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*Everyone pretty much settled down, and had their happy endings. All the couples were married, and lived a life that they truly deserved. What seemed even more amazing was that they all had children, and they raised them in the huge house that they all lived in. Though the friends figured out that there were demons escaping to Earth to attack mundanes, so it was up to them to protect the Human World from the Demon World. Due to their heroism, they became known as Shadowhunters and they are humanity's savior to stop the Demon World. Their children became Shadowhunters too, and they all spread out to different parts of the world to save all. They made their mark, and lived for many centuries just to see how much is grown and how much their city has been protected.*

Magnus: How lucky are we to be living in a world like this?

Alec: I couldn't be anymore happy, because I have everyone that I love right here and right now.

Izzy: Magnus! Alec! Your kids are back from training!

*Izzy came in with the kids. Magnus and Alec had hired a mundane to become a surrogate for them. Since she had to be exposed to all of this, she was told that she had to keep this a secret. As long as she did that, she could see the children. They actually gave birth to three kids.

The oldest one was Rafael Santiago Lightwood-Bane, who is an angel.

Then came Maxwell Michael Lightwood-Bane, that has blue skin, horns, and has magic abilities from Magnus.

Last, but not least, came Madzie Lightwood-Bane who was half-Angel half-Demon.

They didn't care about those things, they loved them all and they raised them to be good people and to always protect mundanes and their loved ones.*

Madzie: Papa!

Max: Daddy!

Rafael: Hey!

*The three kids hugged them very tightly.*

Alec: There you are, our little buttons!

*They were truly happy, and happiness was something that was between this whole entire family.*

The End

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