The Ball

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*Thank the angel that this was a masquerade ball, because if there was anything that Alec didn't want to happen it was to be noticed. Magnus thought it would be funny if Alec dressed as him for the ball, but he told him he was joking. Though it did give Alec an idea on a costume that could work, but he had to figure out how on earth was he going to make it. Of course he couldn't ask Magnus, because it would be obvious on what he was doing. Unless if he could throw Magnus off track of what was going on, Alec would have to do his best to make his plan work.*

Magnus: 'Have you decided on what you're going to dress up for tonight?'

Alec: 'I have'

Magnus: 'How many times do I need to tell you that you don't need to do that?'

Alec: 'But I like doing this.'

Magnus: 'It's only when it comes to these moments that I wonder why I kissed you.'

Alec: 'Maybe because you wanted to kiss me in the first place, and you just so happen to trick me into it.'

Magnus: 'Oh please, you're the one who asked for it.'

Alec: 'You're the one who dared me.'

Magnus: 'You're the one who took that chance.'

Alec: 'Hardy-har-har Magnus.'

Magnus: 'Oh how you love my humor.'

Alec: 'And how I love you.'

Magnus: 'Love you too.'

Alec: 'And as for my costume, one word.....great.'

Magnus: 'Great?'

Alec: 'Yes, and I need a favor of you.'

Magnus: 'Yes I'll do it.'

Alec: 'What?'

Magnus: 'Yes, I'll help you make your costume.'

Alec: 'How did you even know?'

Magnus: 'Alexander, you may be a person who is talented at so many things, but you are certainly not talented in designing.'

Alec: 'Thank you for your confidence, Magnus, it's deeply appreciative of you.'

Magnus: 'You're welcome.'

*Throughout the day, Magnus hurried with all the costumes he was making and Alec did help out a little bit too. Of course he made something of his own, and he couldn't wait to show it to Alexander to see what his opinion was.*

Alec: Hey Magnus.

Magnus: 'Now you talk?'

Alec: 'Only to get your attention, and I wanted to tell you thanks for making the costume. I know you didn't have to do it, so thank you.'

Magnus: 'Your welcome, I'll see you at the ball?'

Alec: 'Yes, I will.'

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(I couldn't find any pants, so just pretend that he's wearing black pants weirdos)

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(I couldn't find any pants, so just pretend that he's wearing black pants weirdos)

*Alec went into the ballroom to try to look for Magnus, but it was hard for him since everyone had started to look at Alec. Though he did get lucky when he heard the whispers just wanting to know who he was. Alec kept looking for Magnus, but he couldn't find him and he stopped looking when Asmodeus had announced his son to the people of Edom.*

Asmodeus: Let me introduce you to my wonderful son, Jonathan Sebastian Morganstern.

*Jonathan walked over to where his father stood, and presented himself in his red blood suit with a white mask. When Alec got a closer look at him, he noticed that he had black eyes with no pupil. It was just plain black, and he thought that it made him look like some sort of alien.*

Asmodeus: I hope that you know how much I am proud of you, son, and I know that whatever decision you make it will be the best for your people. I would like to raise a glass to my child, and his succession to the throne.

*Everyone raised their glasses, and chanted 'To Jonathan'. Alec looked around, and saw Magnus in the corner looking bored and sad. Alec went up to him, but he did stop on the way to get him a glass just to cheer him up.*

Alec: Why so sad fair angel?

Magnus: 'Not sad, just bored.'

Alec: What could I do to make you feel happy?

Magnus: 'You could tell me who you're dressed as.'

Alec: You.

Magnus: 'Me?'

Alec: Yes, of course, you. I heard that the name Magnus means great, and I wanted to dress up as someone who was great and deserves to be the next Prince of Hell.

Magnus: 'Thank you, Alexander.'

Alec: Now may I ask, who you are?

Magnus: 'I am known as the defender of men, also known as you Alexander.'

Alec: Why me?

Magnus: 'Because Alexander, out of all the angels I've met you're the only one who has treated me this kindly'

Alec: Well I....I'm really flattered. Here, I want to give a toast to you and I hope that you know how much you are loved and how I love you.

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