My Love Will Forever Belong To You

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Rhoda: The both of you are so adorable, it just warms my heart to see you two in love.

Alec: So you're okay with us being together?

Rhoda: Yes I am.

Magnus: Thank you mom, for seeing us.

Rhoda: Always remember that I will always be happy for you, my nak.

Magnus: Aku cinta kamu, Ibu.

Rhoda: Aku mencintaimu juga, Magnus.

*Rhoda faded away, and all was left was Magnus and Alec.*

Alec: Your mom is wonderful woman Magnus, she's just like you.

Magnus: I just wish that she could be alive Alec, she told me that she had a whole life ahead of her and then my father ruined it. I know she never said that, but when you look at it my father had to do this to someone so innocent.

Alec: Magnus, there are things that we cannot control. As crazy and simple as it may sound, nobody has the power to control their future. If anyone told us that, they would be lying because we would never know what will happen to us. What matters is that your mom is okay, and she smiles every time she is around you. I heard that you never love anything else more than your children. I can clearly see that your mom loves you more than anything else in this world, and that she doesn't blame you for any of this.

*Magnus looked up at Alec, and he knew that Alec was there for him always. Magnus couldn't imagine his life without him, and Alec couldn't imagine a life without Magnus either.*

Magnus: What do we do now?

Alec: Well I did promise you that we would get out of hell, and now we're here.

Magnus: Are you saying we should stay here, and never go back?

Alec: Magnus you have suffered long enough, it's time we both escaped and we have a life with no pain. Magnus I love you so much, and I know that I can't live without you and I can't think straight without you.

Magnus: That's because you aren't straight, Alexander.

Alec: Aside from that, I just want you to know that my love will forever belong to you.

Magnus: I've always known that, I always have and I always will.

Alec: So Magnus, will you be with me....for the rest of my life?

Magnus: As in marry me?

Alec: I mean, we don't have to get married-

Magnus: Yes, yes Alexander I will marry you!

*Alec and Magnus both kissed each other, and Magnus was crying tears of joy that they are a wonderful, married couple.*

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