Love Planning

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Izzy: So Magnus, what are you looking for in your and Alec's wedding?

Magnus: Well I want it to be simple, but fabulous at the same time.

Izzy: Like a mix of you and Alec?

Magnus: Yup, but I know that's going to be hard.

Izzy: Why?

Magnus: Well I do want our wedding to be memorable, but I know Alec doesn't want anything big. I want to make sure that he's comfortable during the whole thing, while we both get what we want.

Izzy: You're right, this is going to be hard.

Magnus: Maybe we could simplify the wedding to a classic one with a lot of glitter.

Izzy: Glitter?

Magnus: It's a mundane thing, and you should see how sparkly it is. If I never met glitter then I would be living under a rock my whole life.

Izzy: Where do you guys want to have it?

Magnus: Alec and I were thinking that we should have it in Central Park, although we will have to glamour it so no one will try to interfere with any of the wedding.

Izzy: Let's see wedding at Central Park......I have an idea! Why don't we get a few chairs for us, and we have an arch covered in vines and white roses with glitter on them when you guys stand on the altar?

Magnus: I think that's a great idea.

Izzy: Who do you want to be your best man?

Magnus: I don't know, because I barely know Jace, Simon, and Max. Though Max and I are starting to get closer with each other, because we both geek out at stuff and I often point out cute guys for him to be with.

Izzy: Okay thank the angel that you're going to be my brother-in-law, because I have been trying to get him to see guys.

Magnus: And he hasn't found any?

Izzy: No, but I knew he wouldn't find any guys in heaven.

Magnus: Why?

Izzy: According to the Laws of Heaven, you can't be gay.

Magnus: I'm assuming that Alec couldn't find any lovers in heaven, because of this law?

Izzy: Yup, but if it wasn't for that law then he would've never met you.

Magnus: Very true.

*All week Magnus and Izzy were planning to figure out all of the wedding stuff, and the more they got together the more they bonded with one another.*

Izzy: I think that this wedding is going to work out just fine Magnus.

Magnus: Well thanks to your amazing planning of course.

Izzy: You think we should tell Alec about it?

Magnus: I do, but at the same time I do want to keep it a surprise for him.

Izzy: I like the way you think.

*It just seemed that everyone was starting to like Magnus, and Alec couldn't be even more happier. Seeing his siblings getting along with Magnus have him so much warmth in his heart.*

Alec: You really do like my family.

Magnus: Of course I do Alexander, they're wonderful just like you.

Alec: I love you.

Magnus: I love you too.

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