I Wish....

525 23 8

Alec: Come on, let's try to work on your voice.

Magnus: 'You know I haven't used my voice for so many years, right?'

Alec: I know, but I promised you that I would give you back your voice.

Magnus: 'You don't need to though.'

Alec: But I want to, and I am not giving up on you.

Magnus: 'Very well'

Alec: What's the first thing that come to your mind?

Magnus: 'I wish'

Alec: I wish what?

Magnus: 'I wish we weren't doing this right now.'

Alec: Magnus, come on.

Magnus: 'Look Alexander, I appreciate you doing this for me but I don't know if I'll get back to speaking again. I haven't used my voice in forever, and my father will try to stitch it up back again.'

Alec: Then I'll kiss you more, so I can feel your lips and lift the curse.

Magnus: 'You'll have to be kissing me more often then.'

Alec: Well one I like kissing you, and two it's helping you to speak. Now let's get back on topic, please.

Magnus: 'Fine'

Alec: Now you said that the one thing you have on your mind was 'I wish', so let's start easy and say I.

Magnus: I........

Alec: Then try wi.

Magnus: I...wi.....

Alec: You almost got it, just keep going.

Magnus: I wi......

Alec: Why did you stop?

Magnus: 'I can't do it, my voice is weak'

Alec: We're going to find a way, I know we will.

Magnus: 'Thank you, Alexander'

Alec: Just remember that whether you can talk or not, I will always love you.

*Magnus saw the love in his eyes, and he knew that he couldn't give up on his love.*

Magnus: A.....A....

Alec: What's wrong, Magnus?

Magnus: Aku........cin......cinta........kamu.....

Alec: You talked.

Magnus: I.....I..did.....

Alec: Wait, what did you say?

Magnus: Aku....cinta kamu.

Alec: What does that mean?

Magnus: It....means.......I....love....you.....

Alec: Aku cinta kamu, too.

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