Being Trapped with You is Worth It

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Magnus: 'Come on, Alexander, please!'

Alec: No, Magnus, I will never do it.

Magnus: 'Please just this once, I promise that I won't laugh at you when you step on my feet'

Alec: Why does it have to be me?

Magnus: 'Ever girl that will be there won't dance with me, since I'm the less favorite child in the family'

*Magnus has been asking Alec that if he could go to the ball with him. The ball was supposed to be for Magnus' brother, Jonathan, coronation to become the next Prince of Hell. Alec wasn't up for it, because if there is anything that Alec hated the most it was parties. Magnus' father will let him go if he could get a date, and Alec was his best shot.*

Alec: You really want me to go?

Magnus: 'Please? I will owe you big time.'

Alec: Ugh.....fine....I'll do it, but I won't like it.

Magnus: 'Thank you, Alexander, thank you! I swear I could kiss you right now!'

Alec: What?

Magnus: 'Not literally.'

Alec: Oh.

Magnus: 'Unless if you want me to.'

Alec: Wait, what? No, I uh....I didn't think that you were serious, plus you wouldn't dare.

Magnus: 'Really then? Dare me.'

Alec: Alright, I dare you to kiss me on the lips.

*Magnus grabbed Alec, and smashed him to his lips. Alec had no idea what he said, and what he was doing. Alec didn't know why he had his eyes close, or why he was kissing back. Questions came rushing through his head, and sadly they have been unanswered. Alec was back in reality when Magnus let go and ended the kiss.*

Alec: Um......

Magnus: 'I'm sorry, I knew that this wasn't with con-'

*Alec kissed him, and he didn't know why but at the same time he did. Alec always saw Magnus as a nice version of a demon. Actually he saw Magnus as an angel who didn't deserve to be hell, but to have the right in heaven. He let go, and the boys were blushing in the sea of adorableness and awkwardness.*

Magnus: 'I don't even know how we can kiss each other when my mouth is all stitched up.'

Alec: At least through that mouth of yours is all the love in the world.

Magnus: 'Not the world, but for your world and only your world. Alexander I just wish I could tell you how much I love you.'

Alec: You just did.

Magnus: 'I meant as in if I could say the words myself, instead I'm stuck with silence and I have to explain to people that I'm cursed.....cursed by my own father.'

Alec: 'I love you.'

Magnus: 'You didn't have to do that.'

Alec: 'But I wanted to, and I don't care if I have to do it a thousand times but I will do it all for you, Magnus'

*Alexander and Magnus together? Magnus couldn't believe that an angel, like Alexander, was in love with him. It's a law that angels and demons could never fall in love, but that would mean that love is against the law. Magnus couldn't believe it, and there was anything he did want to believe was the love that he and his Alexander shared.*

Magnus: 'Thank you, Alexander.'

Alec: 'Your welcome, and if I don't care if I have to be trapped here forever. As long as I have you then being trapped is worth it.'

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