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*As soon as Magnus and Alec walked in, a wind had gushed in and separated the two lovers.*




*Alec was left alone, in the dark, and he had one goal was to be able to get through the trials. The first one was want, and he had to make sure that he had to resist whatever came his way.*

Robert: Alec!

Alec: Dad?

Maryse: Alec, you're okay!

*Alec's mother, Maryse, hugged him very tightly, and then he was surrounded by all of his family.*

Alec: Guys, how did you get here?

Robert: We tried to figure out how on earth are we going to get you back.

Alec: But I thought that-

Maryse: We could never forget you, especially you Alec.

Izzy: Come on, we have to get out of here before someone catches us.

*Alec just kept getting hugs from his family, and he realized that none of this was real and he had to do something before things got worse.*

Max: Alec, aren't you coming?

Alec: You don't know how much I wanted this moment to happen, but I can't go.

Max: Why not?

Alec: Max you have to understand that Asmodeus will keep me here forever, and if I get out he will never stop until all of us give up.

Izzy: Alec we can protect you.

Alec: I'm sorry, but it's a risk that I have to do to protect you all.

*All of a sudden Alec's family started to unleash a deadly scream, and their skin was starting to burn.*

Izzy: Alec help us!

*He wanted to, he wanted to return with his family, he wanted his family to accept him, he wanted his parents to love and be proud of him, but he couldn't.*


*Alec turned around, and walked away from his family. His family them turned into demons, and Alec turned around and looked around to figure out what is the best possible defense. Then an angelic light came, and a bow and arrow had appeared. An iconic weapon of his that he was always good at, and it was like a best friend in the face of battle. He launched an arrow, and the arrow released fire that it spread and burnt the demons alive. He breathed heavily, and with a heavy heart he continued the path and his second test.*

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