Welcome to Edom

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Asmodeus: Cleophas, take our guest to his room.

Cleophas: Yes, your majesty.

*Cleophas walks Alec all to a door that leads into the Spiral Labyrinth. Cleophas opens the door, and guides Alec in. When Alec was a few steps away from Cleophas, she locked the door shut. Alec tried to open the door but it was locked shut. There was very little light, and it seemed that the Spiral Labyrinth could go on and on and it seemed a never ending staircase. Alec sensed that someone had to be in here, but he saw no one. He decided to travel all the way down to see if there was any ground or stopping point.*

Alec: Hello. Is someone in here? Hello.

*Alec kept walking down, and still couldn't find anyone or anything. Luckily the Spiral staircase doesn't go down forever, Alec managed to find the ground and a whole lot of things in his new room. He saw a double bed that was draped in red, and had curtains to draw when he was sleeping. The bookcases were practically the walls, and Alec loved to read so there was no chance he could get bored. Though he would've liked a friend to talk to, or to at least say hi every once in a while. Alec could already tell that everyone hated him just because he was an angel, not a fallen angel. Though it could've been worse, and he could try to get use to his new surroundings. Alec decided to pass some time, and read whatever he could find. He looks at one book, was about to reach it, until he saw hand stick out of the darkness. Alec flinched at it, but then the hand went away.*

Alec: Huh? Wait, where are you going?

*Alec could see the shadow, so he followed it. The shadow was starting to climb up bookcases, but Alec was going to follow it no matter what.*

Alec: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Please come *slips and falls* AHHHH!!!

*Alec couldn't summon his angel wings, because he was in hell and angelic energies can't work in there. Alec thought that this was it, and that he was going to die until he was caught by someone. He was brought back into the light, and the shadow was revealed. With one look, Alec was intrigued by this man that rescued him.*

Alec: Thank you for saving my life.

Magnus: 'Your welcome.'

Alec: You speak sign language.

Magnus: 'Yes, and you can understand me?'

Alec: 'Yes, I can and do it as well.'

Magnus: 'I can hear you, it's my mouth that's the problem.'

*Alec had noticed that the man's mouth was stitched up, and it seemed that it wasn't going to budge at all.*

Alec: Who did this to you?

Magnus: 'My father'

Alec: I'm so sorry.

Magnus: 'Don't be, I got used to it.'

Alec: My name is Alexander Lightwood, and you are?

Magnus: 'Magnus.'

Alec: Pardon me, but is your father Asmodeus?

Magnus: 'Yes.'

Alec: Oh, then I guess you know why I'm here then.

Magnus: 'Sorry, but no. I don't usually know about anything, since I've been exiled.'

Alec: Exiled?

Magnus: 'You could say that.'

Alec: I'm so sorry.

Magnus: 'You don't need to be, plus I did test him but this time I overdid it.'

Alec: But that doesn't mean that he should stitch up your mouth.

Magnus: 'Well we've talked about my father, what about yours?'

Alec: There isn't much to talk about my father, I don' think that we have a father and son relationship. We have more of a.......political relationship.

Magnus: 'I always knew that there was some sort of catch with angels, no offense.'

Alec: None taken.

Magnus: 'So why are you here?'

Alec: Both of our father's struck a deal that if my father came with him to hell then heaven would be safe from harm. I knew that my family wouldn't stand a chance without him, so I stood up and told your father I would do it. He agreed, and there was nothing or no one that could change my mind.

Magnus: 'Sounds like my father, but I do wonder why.'

Alec: Same, but I think my father knows and he won't tell me.

Magnus: 'In any case, you were very brave to do something.'

Alec: Thank you.

Magnus: 'How do you know sign language?'

Alec: My mother taught me, she's very fluent in it.

Magnus: 'Interesting. Did she lose the ability to talk?'

Alec: No, but her mother was born deaf but her father wasn't. When she was growing up, her mother would teach her sign language while her father would teach her how to speak.

Magnus: 'And you picked up on it?'

Alec: Yup.

Magnus: 'Seems like you have a nice family.'

Alec: No, I really don't. Beside the political relationship with my dad, my mom has always been....a military soldier instead of a mother. Though my siblings, Isabelle and Max, and my Parabati, Jace, were the ones who I was close with.

Magnus: 'I guess we're no that different at all I guess. Though I was born as an only child.'

Alec: I think I'm going to like it here as long as I have you, Magnus.

Magnus: 'Me too, Alexander, me too.'


Note: These '' is Magnus doing his sign language.

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