Meet Alexander Gideon Lightwood

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Alec: I'm sorry you saw my fear.

Magnus: What are you talking about? You're afraid to lose mas much I'm afraid to lose you.

Alec: Magnus I'm just scared that one day you're going to die, and I'm the only one who's going to be alive.

Magnus: Alexander, everyone has fears even angels and demons themselves. I was afraid that you would see this monster that my father had crafted inside of me. You see demons are supposed to represent negative traits. Like my father for instance, he's supposed to make sure that he keeps deceit alive in the mortal world.

Alec: Makes sense that your father betrayed your mother with pretending to be in love with her.

Magnus: And then there's Jonathan, he takes the cake because he's the son of Asmodeus and Lilith. He supposed to be the King of Darkness, to make sure that all of evil is still relevant to this day. Then there's me, where I represent all of the anger that people want spill out on.

Alec: That's right, I saw when you lashed out at your father for ruining your life.

Magnus: I had so much anger in me that I never thought I would ever figure how to get rid of it, unless if I formed.

Alec: Formed or not, you can never get rid of anger. Everyone, including demons, angel, and mundanes, have it.

Magnus: I'm just glad that this over.

Alec: Let's get out of here.

*Magnus and Alec's hands intertwined with each other, and they walked out of Hell and entered into the Mundane World.*

Alec: Where are we?

Magnus: Alexander Lightwood, I give you New York City, New York.

Alec: This place is huge.

Magnus: And beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.

*Alec blushed, and the two walked, with Magnus' guidance, all the way to the grave of Magnus' mother.*

Magnus: There she is.

*Alec saw the grave, and read Rhoda Maarse 1978-2016.*

Magnus: I don't think that my mother wants to see me, which I can understand since I've been gone for so long.

Alec: Magnus, you can't think like that.

Rhoda: He has a point, my child.

*Before both boys eyes, a woman that looked exactly like Magnus had appeared.*

Rhoda: Hi Magnus.

Magnus: Mom.......

*Magnus had tears pouring down his cheeks, and Magnus' mom hugged him.*

Rhoda: Shh.......I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.

*Magnus looked up, and then looked at Alec. He pulled away from his mom, and he took Alec's hand and pulled him forward.*

Magnus: Mom there is someone I'd like you to meet. Mom this is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Alexander this is my mother Rhoda Maarse.

Rhoda: A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Lightwood.

Alec: Nice to meet you too, Miss Maarse.

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