Hoc autem terminum

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*Everyone rushed out of the ceremony, and headed all the way to a plain field that was in the city. On the left side was Max, James, Izzy, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Clary, and Simon. On the right was just Jonathan and Asmodeus.*

Asmodeus: Here are the rules.

Magnus: Rules? Since when did you want to follow the rules?

Asmodeus: To make it more fun to break. All of us have to stay, we cannot call out forces for help, and if you lose then you return my son and the prisoner.

Alec: If we win then you will be banished from Earth and Heaven forever, and you and all of your people and forces are to never set foot in either of those places again.

Asmodeus: Very well then.

Jonathan: As soon as I release the morning star, the battle begins.

*Everyone was prepared to fight, but Clary, James, Simon, and Max were forced to leave since they could've been in grave danger. All was left was Alec, Magnus, Izzy, and Jace facing off the biggest threats of Hell. Jonathan made a shining star appear in his hand, and then he released all the way into the sky. Once it was noticeable, the battle had begun. Everyone was using magic to fight, and it would only seem that this fight would go on for hours and hours. Max, James, Clary, and Simon were far away from it but they were still worried of what was going to happen.*

Simon: Guys, we can't just leave them like this.

Max: You think that we are?

*Max grabbed the largest stick, and drew a huge circle in the dirt.*

James: No offense Max, but how is a circle going to help us?

Max: This isn't just any circle, this is what we're going to use to summon the Angel Raziel.

Clary: The what?

Max: The Angel Raziel, he's the one who is the ruler of all angels. If anyone can help us stop this, it's him.

Simon: Didn't Alec say that if we would ever summon the Angel Raziel, he would get mad at us for disturbing him?

Max: What other choice do we have? If this battle continues on, and if mundanes get involved then we can kiss Earth goodbye.

Clary: Max is right, it may seem risky but we have to try.

James: Trust me Simon I don't like this either, but we're running out of options and if we go out there and fight it would be a suicide mission.

*Simon looked down, and thought of Izzy. He knew she was tough, but he knew that she was going to need help.*

Simon: Let's get this over with.

*Max did the finishing touches on the circle, and then he threw the stick away.*

Max: Alright I'll step into the circle, and you guys stay back since this high angel energy that we're having here.

James: Are you sure you're going to be okay?

Max: Don't worry James, it won't be deadly to me. I need you guys to clear the area, until the Angel Raziel is summoned. After that then you all can come out.

*Simon, James, and Clary all hid behind some tree that were near them. Max stepped into the circle, and begins to summon the Angel Raziel.*

Max: Ignis aurum probat

Non opus est vobis in auxilium,Raziel domini mei, et nos sumus in opus auxilium tuum. Ut per voco te oro te ne audirent voces populi non opus est tibi, Vocem meam audi oro te Exaudi orationem meam, Domine mi Raziel Quod dico vobis in hac mortali regni meosque!

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