14 "Insecurity"

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She's always so independent.

You know that you can definitely rely on her.


Have you ever thought maybe behind that bright smile of hers

She wishes that she could rely also on someone too...

That maybe someone would put their hand on her shoulder, smile and say.

"You're always helping everyone. I know why you're doing this. You don't want to feel pathetic and useless and believe me, you're not. To me you're already amazing. So why don't you rely on me? Stop trying so hard... okay? Even superheroes need a saving every once in a while."

But no one ever says that to her.

They use her, take advantage of her kindness.

Everyone thinks that she's a workaholic.

The truth is that she's just insecure.

And she's afraid that, that is all she'll ever be...

'An insecure pathetic human being...'

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