72 "O"

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You tuck my hair behind my ear

All I can feel is your presence near

So I look away

Unable to look into your eyes

Fearing they would reveal what I try to hide

You tell me I look pretty for the fifth time

And I silently pray you don't see how your words affect me

You touch my hand and hold it for a while

We just sit there at the back of the bus

With you holding my hand and I'm too afraid to pull away

Because a part of me enjoys this intimacy

But at the same time I'm so confused by everything so I just look away

while you stare at me like I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever seen

We all have holes right through our hearts

I'm sure you've got them too

But it's funny how the hole in mine

Is shaped a lot like you

Your words are the sweetest constellations

That swept across the midnight sky

And now I'm in awe

Because God knows I've never craved attention

Not until I tasted yours...

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