92 "E"

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There's a spark in your eyes
And I fire in you soul
I recognize it
Because It's similar to my own

You call me
And we talk on the phone
Hours pass by
Time flies and without us even realizing

Words are exchanged
Foreign emotions are felt
Life suddenly seems great with you around

Promises are made

"You and I would be friends till death does us apart," I hear you say through my phones speaker.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask as I'm lying on my bed and staring at my rooms ceiling.

"I just am. We're opposites but our personalities compliment each other. You might as well be my perfect match. It's a feeling you won't understand," you reply.

And I tease you about how dramatic you sound

But deep down I agree with you

Because I know how you felt and I felt it too.

And so begins a journey, a beautiful friendship

This isn't a love story, no.

It's the story of how you were there and I was there.

Two strangers, not connected in any way.

And now we're here making future plans.

You promise that you and I will travel together one day

Canada, Japan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico etc. You said we'd visit them all.

And I laughed at how unrealistic that was.

But your voice was so stern and hearing you repeat it, just for a while, made me believe that it could happen one day.

And so we continued talking about our dreams, hopes, fears, aspirations and desires.

All it took was that one phone call today to make me realise how you've become a part of me that I don't ever want to lose or forget.

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