107 "W"

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I ask for a lot but get so little,
My spirit's bent, my will is brittle
Instead of waiting, this time I'll find
Someone who just fucks my mind

There are people, lovers even
Who have one thing that they believe in,
Their persuasion is: interaction
Far outweighs physical attraction

I hear them but can't submit,
I need both I must admit.
A pretty face and intellect,
Two dimensions where we connect

But I'm not biased towards the masses
Who take brains over well shaped asses
Who take thoughts over chiseled features
Who lust the minds of us deformed creatures

So I offer mine in hopes of finding
Who finds the psyche blinding
I've lost all hope in the conventional,
bring me my sexy sapiosexual?

When I find the angel who sees through me
But possesses soft symmetry
Then I can finally rest my mind
Against their body knowing our love's blind

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