First Words

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Okay so first off, A/N

THIS HAS BASICALLY THE SAME DISCLAIMER AS MY ORIGINAL FANFIC (if you haven't read that, I suggest you read it first or you probably won't understand a lot:) No Pennywise shit though. Fuck him. There is no set date, this could be modern or 80's or whatever. Most of it is in an outsiders POV. So, I'm pretty sure that's all I gotta say. Byeeeee~

AU where you're born with the first words you hear your soulmate say on your arm

Jane walked through the halls, extremely nervous. Her mother had been sure to remind her at least seventy thousand times that today might be the day that she meets her soulmate. It was her first day at this new school and she was honestly a little curious as to who her soulmate was. He seemed to be an.......interesting boy. She glanced down at the words on her arm, still confused.

'Hey Eddie Spaghetti!'

I mean, who the fuck says 'Eddie Spaghetti'?!

She sat down on her first class, history, and looked around. To her right, there was an older looking boy. He smiled creepily. She shuddered and looked to her left. A short, nice looking boy turned to her. He smiled and gave her a small wave. She did the same.

"Hi, I'm, um, Jane. Jane Ripsom." She said shakily.

"I'm Eddie Kaspbrak. Are you um, new here?" He asked uncertainly. She nodded.

"Oh, um, well, you can hang out with me and my friends. If you want that is." He added hastily. She smiled.

"I'd love to, thanks, Eddie." She smiled.

*time skip to lunch cuz I'm lazy*

Jane walked into the cafeteria, holding her tray as she scanned the room for her new friend. She spotted Eddie waving at her across the room, along with another boy she had seen in her Science class. He had curly hair and was wearing a baby blue shirt, ironed nicely. He seemed to be very quiet, which intrigued Jane.

"Hi Jane!" Eddie said, smiling. He scooted to the side to make room for her. She smiled back and sat down, feeling somewhat cornered between the two.

"Hello Eddie! Um, so, I'm Jane, well as you already heard." She chuckled and held out her hand to the quiet boy. He smiled kindly and shook her hand.

"Stan Uris. You're in my Science class." He stated. She nodded. "Yup!"

Then, her skin grew cold as she heard those fateful words...

"Hey Eddie Spaghetti!" A voice yelled behind her.

Slowly, she turned in her seat. Two boys approached, one with brown hair and bright blue eyes. The other intrigued her more. He had messy black hair, a smattering of freckles, and big glasses that framed his brown eyes rather nicely. He was wearing a hawaiian shirt over a regular white T-shirt. He noticed her and stopped immediately, giving her a quick bow.

"And who is this fine dame?" He asked with a wink. She gulped.

"My new friend, Jane Ripsom. And don't fucking call me 'Eddie Spaghetti', you know I hate that." Eddie grumbled, unaware of Jane's situation. He turned to her.

"Sorry about him. Jane this is Bill Denbrough, and then the loud, annoying one is Richie Tozier." He explained. She turned to the boys again, her face white. Richie frowned.

"Y'okay? Ya look like you seen a ghost." He remarked. She gulped again.

"Hi-uh-yeah-um-so it's you-ah-FUCK." She ran out of the cafeteria, abandoning her backpack and going straight for the music room.

(Still outsiders POV, but POV is on Richie. Also REWINDDD)

"Hey Eddie Spaghetti!" Richie yelled as he approached the table. Eddie groaned and turned, as did Stan, but Richie was focused on the girl sitting in between them. She had long, black, curly hair that was stuck up in a ponytail, and had soft brown eyes. He stopped immediately, giving her a quick bow.

"And who is this fine dame?" He asked, winking at her.

"My new friend, Jane Ripsom. And don't fucking call me 'Eddie Spaghetti', you know I hate that." Eddie grumbled. He turned to her.

"Sorry about him. Jane this is Bill Denbrough, and then the loud, annoying one is Richie Tozier." He explained. She turned to the boys again, her face white. Richie frowned.

"Y'okay? Ya look like you seen a ghost." He remarked.

"Hi-uh-yeah-um-so it's you-ah-FUCK." She ran out of the cafeteria quickly. Richie's face grew white too and he glanced at his wrist, unbelieving.

"SHIT!" He yelled as he ran after her.

"Hey wait-whERE ARE YOU GOING!?" Eddie shouted after him.

"MOVE!" Richie shoved people aside, trying to catch up to the girl.

Jane's POV

I burst through the doors and closed them quickly, pacing around the room as I tried to clear my head.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck!" I groaned. I just met my soulmate and completely screwed it up! He probably thinks I'm an idiot.

"Shit." I plopped down on a seat and sighed.

"I must have been through about a million girls

I'd love 'em and I'd leave 'em alone

I didn't care how much they cried, no sir

Their tears left me cold as a stone

But then I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love" I sang sadly, figuring that he would never want to be with me now.

But then,

"It used to be when I'd see a girl that I liked

I'd get out my book and write down her name

But when the grass got a little greener on the other side

I'd just tear out that page

But then I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love, since I met you baby

I fooled around and fell in love

I fooled around and fell in love"

I turned slowly, scared of what I'd see. Richie stood by the door, hands fumbling together as he continued the song. He glanced up at me, blushing, and gave me a small smile.

I smiled too.

"Free on my own, that's the way I used to be

But since I met you baby, love's got a hold on me

(Fooled around and fell in love) whoo, it's got ahold on me now, yeah

(Fooled around and fell in love) I can't let go of you baby

(Fooled around and fell in love) I can't stop loving you now

(Fooled around and fell in love) hey!

'Cause I fooled around, I fooled around, I fooled around...

Fooled around and fell in love... "

(Fooled around and fell in love by Elvin Bishop)


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