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Where tattoos of things your soulmate loves will appear on your arm

It started when Jane was six. A small, tattoo on her wrist of a comic book. Then one of an arcade machine. AC/DC. A guitar and microphone. Then, oddly enough, laughter. Well, more like a person laughing, but laughter all the same. As she grew older, people joined the items. Three people, all boys. One had curly, light brown hair and brown eyes, one had straight dark brown hair and blue eyes, and the last one, the cutest in Jane's opinion, with dark brown hair, freckles, and brown eyes. She often caught herself looking for the boys in her everyday life, wondering who they were. Her soulmates family? That would be odd, seeing as no adults showed up on her arm. Other people had pictures of their soulmates parents and such, did her soulmate not like his parents?
The years flew by and no more tattoos showed up on her arm so she continued life without staring at her arm constantly.

*time skip*

Jane sighed as she walked up shakily to her new school. She took a deep breath and faked a smile.
You can do this. Bev is waiting by your locker. All you have to do is make it from point A to point B. Right? Right?!
She walked inside slowly, wary of all of the kids staring at her. She gulped nervously, smiling shyly at a few people. They glared back.
Abort mission AbOrT MIsSioN!
She started to leave but she heard a familiar voice call out.

"Jane! Jane over here!"

Jane groaned and turned around.
"Hey Bevvie." She winced. Bev smiled.
"Aw come on Jane, it can't be that bad already!" She wrapped her arm around Jane and led her to their Science class.
"I think the entire school wants to kill me. Are we sure this is a good idea? I mean, couldn't I just be homeschooled?" Jane groaned. Bev chuckled.
"Noooooooo cuz then I'd be left without a best friend! Doomed to hang with the boys. Alone. Can you imagine that? Me, the only girl in the Losers club?" She asked as they walked into class.
"Well, you might be! They haven't met me yet, they might hate me." Jane replied as she sat next to Bev.
"Absolutely not. They'll adore you!" Bev smiled brightly.
"Can we go over them again? I wanna make sure I got it." Jane sighed.
"Sure Jane. Bill." Bev replied.
"Has a stutter, an adorable little brother, very sweet." She recited.
"Yup! Stan." Bev smiled.
"Jewish, very smart, has a love hate relationship with Richie, very sarcastic."
"Speaking of Richie..."
"Trashmouth, likes doing voices and says lots of jokes, usually dirty, annoying."
"Asthmatic, germaphobe, short, sweet to everyone but Richie, even though they're best friends." She finished just as the teacher walked in.

*time skip to lunch*

"Are you ready?!? They'll love you so much, this is gonna be great!" Bev squealed as she searched for her friends. Jane rubbed her temple.
"I'm gonna fuck it up, I just know it." She groaned. Bev squeezed her hand gently.
"You'll be fine. Just stick to me and do your best! You'll do great." She smiled. Jane smiled back.
"OOH there they are!" Bev dragged her across the cafeteria.
"Guys! Hey GUYS!" Beverly stopped abruptly, slinging Jane in front of her and onto a freckled, bespectacled boy. He caught her and grinned smugly.
"Well geez darlin, I know I'm handsome but buy me dinner first won't ya?" He chuckled. Jane blushed a deep shade of crimson and quickly pushed herself off of him, gripping her hands behind her back nervously.
"H-hi, um sorry about that." She apologized softly. He blushed lightly too, and rubbed the back of his neck.
"No problem dollface." He smiled gently at her. She smiled too. The two of them gazed at each other for a few minutes before,
Jane shook herself and turned to the three boys behind the dreamy-eyed wonder in front of her. Odd, they looked slightly familiar. The one who had cleared his throat had curly, light brown hair and brown eyes and wore a baby blue shirt and khakis. The one in the middle had straight dark brown hair and blue eyes and a soft smile. The one on the right, the last one, had dark brown hair, freckles, and brown eyes. Dreamy-eyed wonder jumped slightly and blushed.
"Sorry Stan the man." He mumbled, backing away so he stood next to him.
"Oh, so your Stan?" She said, pointing to the curly headed boy. He nodded.
"That must mean your Bill *points to him*, your Eddie *points to Eddie*, and you," She circled over to the blushing boy. "Are Richie?"
"That's me." He said sheepishly. Jane grinned and he smiled back.
"So, how do you know us?" Stan asked. Jane opened her mouth to speak but Beverly stood in front of her.
"She's my best friend and new to Derry. I thought she could join our gang." She stated.
"Beverly told me a lot about you guys. All good things." She added.
"Oh so she didn't talk about Richie?" Stan asked. Everyone burst out laughing, except Jane, who stared shyly at Richie. He blushed.
"Yeah, yeah, Stan the Man gets off a good one. Yowza." He muttered, looking at the ground.
"So, you know our names, but I-uh, we, don't know yours." He said, looking up at Jane.
"Oh, I'm Jane. Jane Ripsom." She stuck her hand out shyly. He smiled and took it.
"Richie Tozier. So, um, wanna join us for lunch?" He asked, glancing at her sideways.
"Sure." She smiled warmly. He grinned back.

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