Written Words

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Where if you write something on your arm, it shows up on your soulmates arm too

Jane never really wrote on her arm. She didn't have a need to. If she did, it was usually somewhere she had to go, something she had to do, or possibly a small drawing. However, her best friend Bill was constantly drawing. He was quite an artist, so some days his arm was decorated with a thrashing storm, some days a beautiful garden. Some days, when Jane was sad, she would let Bill draw on her. It was oddly soothing, the feeling of a marker or pen running down her arm, Bill creating something beautiful.
That was happening today.

"Has yo-ur soulm-mate written any q-questions lately?" Bill asked, slowly curving his marker to make a rainbow. Her soulmate often wrote the weirdest questions on the most random places.
"Mmhmm." Jane sighed.
"W-where this t-time?" He asked.
"Across my belly button." Jane groaned. He chuckled. "What's it s-say?"
Jane lifted her shirt, as they both twisted their heads a little to read the scraggly writing.

"Do bald people get dandruff?"

Bill burst out laughing, his blue eyes squeezed shut as he fell back.
"Stoooooop! Bill it's not funny!" She chuckled, trying to keep a straight face.
"A-w c-c'mon Jane, it's k-kinda funny." He smiled, sitting up again. Jane moaned, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Nooooo! He's such a weird ass, always writing weird questions and inappropriate pick up lines on me. Last night, while I was eating dinner, he wrote 'Did you sit in sugar? Cuz you've got a sweet ass.'  HE'S NEVER EVEN SEEN ME DAMMIT!" She yelled as Bill collapsed yet again in a fit of laughter, causing Jane's head to slide to his stomach.
"Oh my God he d-didn't!" Bill wheezed.
"He did! My parents saw it too!" Jane whined, her head bobbing slightly from Bill's laughter.
"I-is that why y-your grounded?" He asked, his laughter now a minor giggle. She nodded pitifully. "If I ever meet that fucker I'm gonna slap him into next year." She muttered. Bill chuckled softly and lifted her up so that he could continue drawing.
"D-d'you think y-you'll meet your s-soulmate?" He asked quietly. She hummed, thinking.
"I don't know Bill. Do you think you'll meet yours?" She asked. He shrugged.
"I d-d-don't know." He responded.
"Yeah." She said softly, watching him add a few black birds to her arm, his eyes focused solemnly.
"Yeah." He murmured, capping the marker and smiling.

A week later, her soulmate tried to converse with her while she ate in the cafeteria.

"'What's your name?'?!?!" Jane shrieked. She turned to Bill who immediately looked over at her arm.
"Th-that's interesting. My s-soulmate just asked the same thing." Bill said calmly. Jane whipped her around to face him.
"What?! Really? Shit what do we say what do we say-" she paused, mouth open and poised to continue, as she watched Bill pop open a pen and write his name. She let out a loud screech.
Bill clapped his hand over Jane's mouth, rolling his eyes.
"J-Jane, calm d-down. It's fi-ine! Ho-onestly. Calm d-down." He lifted his hand cautiously. She clamped her mouth shut. He sighed and continued writing.

'What's your name?'

"Are you really sure about this?" She asked, clearly worried. He nodded and gave her a quick peck on her cheek before returning to his arm.


"Audra." He whispered gently. Jane smiled. She knew exactly what was happening. He was committing her name to memory, preparing to write it everywhere, to dream of her. He looked over at her, smiling too. But the smile quickly turned into a smirk. He knew she was considering responding to her soulmate. She glared at him. He smirked back. Minutes flew by.
"....UGH FINE!" She shouted, grabbing the pen. He smiled, content and happy that he won, and rested his chin on her shoulder.
She stared at the words on her arm.

'What's your name, hotstuff?'

"C'mon J-Jane." Bill said, nudging her. She huffed and wrote.

'It sure isn't hotstuff buddy'

She smiled, proud of her choice of words while Bill groaned and hid his head in the crook of her neck.
"C-Couldn't you have j-just told him your n-name?" He asked, his voice muffled.
"Nope!" She smiled, kissing his soft brown hair before turning back to her arm.

'Yowza! Soulmate gets off a good one!'

She frowned.

'What the fuck is that supposed to me- oh whatever. My name is Jane. Jane Ripsom.'

'Richie Tozier's my name, doin voices is my game."

*a few weeks later*

"Let me get this straight. You wrote an entire story on your arm, bit by bit, and it took how long?!?" Jane asked as she and Bill walked around the school.
"Three hours." He responded.
"Holy shit. How did you have the patience for that?" She questioned. He shrugged.
"I love her."
She smiled and bumped him with her elbow.
"Youuuur in loooveeee with Aauuuudraaaaaa!" She sang. He blushed.
"Stop-p! Sto-op it's not funny." He chuckled. Jane beamed.
"Well I think it's-"


A boy whizzed past Jane and Bill, stumbling and pushing people out of his way. Bowers gang followed.
"W-Wasn't your s-soulmates name T-Tozier?" Bill asked. Jane gulped loudly.
She threw her bag and books down and bolted after them. Bill followed her, figuring she would need his help. Tozier ran into a dead end and turned, fear evident in his eyes. Bowers grabbed him by his shirt and started to pull back his fist when Jane burst in.
"Stop! P-put him down Bowers! I mean it!" She panted, but tried to look tough. Tozier looked at her a little confused.
"Leave Ripsom. I don't wanna deal with you today." Bowers huffed as he poised his arm again. Toziers eyes widened, he never took them off Jane.
"No!" She pushed past the others and flung herself in front of Tozier. She glared up at Bowers, determination in her eyes.
"I said. Put. Him. Down." She said through gritted teeth. He lowered his fist towards her instead.
"And what'll you do if I don't?" He sneered. Jane cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"Why don't you find out?" She spat, glaring at him even harder. He frowned and punched her, but just as his fist collided with her cheek, she kicked his crotch. He howled in pain. Jane took the opportunity to grab Toziers hand and run. She stumbled a bit, her kind a little fuzzy after the punch. Bill had been standing outside, unsure of what to do, but when they ran to him he hauled Jane's arm onto his shoulder and ran off with them. They ran inside the school and into an abandoned classroom. Bill hoisted her onto the teachers desk and inspected her face.
"Is it b-bad?" Jane asked, trying to shake the fuzziness away. He stared, focused. Tozier stood to the side, silently watching.
"No, there w-will p-probably be a b-bruise, but other than that you're g-good." He smiled. Jane sighed with relief. Bill glanced at Tozier before giving Jane a quick hug.
"I'll g-give you two some t-time." He whispered into Jane's ear. She nodded and he kissed her forehead gently before walking out. She watched him go, happy to have a friend like Bill. Then she looked over at Tozier shyly, nervous.
"Thanks," He blurted. "For doing that-thanks."
She smiled softly. "Anytime. You're..... Richie, right?"
He blushed. "Richie Toziers my name-"
"Doing voices is my game." Jane finished. He blushed darker and looked at her cheek.
"Sorry about that. Does it hurt?"
She shook her head. "Not really. It's a little sore, but that's it." He nodded, staring at the ground.
"So, is he your boyfriend?" He asked. Jane's eyes widened.
"Who, Bill? No no no, he's just my friend. Well, my best friend. Has been for around 9 years now." She explained. He nodded, understanding.
"B-besides, I'm- I'm waiting." She said, fumbling with her hands. His eyes popped up to look at hers.
"Waiting for what?" He asked.
She smiled and shrugged. "My soulmate."
He smiled.

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