First I was Blind, now I See

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Where you are born with a defect, and when you meet your soulmate it heals.

Jane was constantly covered in bruises. She was a klutz, yes, but it didn't help that she was blind. She often stayed inside, listened to Bill tell stories or her favorite album, Scout by her all time favorite band Calpurnia. Her favorite song was probably waves. It reminded her of the beach. She may not have ever seen it, but she loved going there, feeling the sand and smelling the sweet salty air.

"And with the stone in hand, the brave knight saved the kingdom, and ruled with honor." Bill finished, the scratching sound of his pencil sweeping back and forth on a piece of paper.

"Every day was filled with sunshine

Everything felt like it all would be fine

And I would never sleep again

If I had known when I woke up it all would

(Waves by Calpurnia)

The music floated from Jane's record player.
"That was a good one Billy. Thank you." Jane smiled.
"No p-problem Jane." She could hear the smile on his face.
"What are you drawing?" She asked, turning to where his voice was. He chuckled.
"C-C'mere and see."
She felt his hand gently pick hers up and place it on his, stroking the paper gently. Jane concentrated hard.
Diagonal line, another diagonal line
V shape
Down and up, curved on the outside of the v
"A flower?" She guessed.
"Yeah! G-Good job Jane. C-Can you guess what f-flower?" He asked softly. Jane poked her tongue out, concentrating hard again, now focusing on the details he added.
Curvy lines, with points
Leaves, lots of them
So this flower is in a bush
His hand moved back to the flower
Line, oval
Line, oval
Line, oval
"An Azalea?" She asked.
"Yes! That's exactly w-what it is!" Bill said, his voice laced with joy. Jane beamed. "My favorite!" She squealed.
"I'm g-gonna frame it and hang i-it in your r-room." He said, his smile evident in his voice. Jane gasped.
"Really Billy!? Thanks!" She felt around until she found him and hugged him tight.
"I love you Bill." She murmured, burying her face into his shoulder.
"I l-love you too J-Jane." He said.
"Hey, you e-e-excited for your first d-day of school?" Bill asked, pulling back gently to look at her.
"Yes! My doctor arranged it so all my classes with you. He told me to stay with you at all times and bring my cane so people don't come too close." She explained.

She had been given a cane to walk with so that people gave her ample space and so that she didn't bump into anything. She had been upset at first, she felt like a grandma. But Bill had decided to, being the amazing friend he was, spruce it up. He painted it pastel pink, her favorite color, and glued little flowers and gems onto it. He showed it to her and explained everything as she ran her fingers over it, squealing in delight.

"That's g-great J-Jane! You'll love s-school, trust me." Bill said.

*time skip to school*

Jane hopped out of her mom's car and immediately pulled out her cane, walking towards the sound of kids talking. The hustle and bustle grew quite loud, Jane would say she was a few feet away from the building. She paused and waited. Bill promised he would pick her up and help her get to her locker and classes. She breathed deeply, trying to stay calm. She was excited, but also quite nervous.
Bills voice rang out clear to Jane through all the chatter around her. She smiled and held out her hand. He grabbed it, gently putting it in someone else's hands. Jane frowned.
"J-Jane, this is B-Beverly. Sh-She's my friend." He said. Jane immediately replaced her frown with a smile.
"Hello Beverly, it's nice to meet you." She said, shaking the girls hand.
"It's nice to meet you too Jane. Bill talks fondly of you." She replied. Jane smiled.
"May I?" She asked, holding her hands up, head tilted. Beverly looked at Bill, confused. He smiled and nodded.
"Uh, sure." She said. Jane smiled and gently placed her hands on Beverly's face. She felt her.
Skin, soft
Nose, wide
Lips, soft and smooth
Eyes, small, but nice.
Hair, soft, short.
"Bill?" She asked.
"Her hair is r-red, her skin is p-pale with freckles, and her e-eyes are b-blue." He answered. Jane smiled and withdrew her hands.
"Thank you." She giggled.
"No problem." Beverly replied, not a hint of unkindness in her voice.
"Well, should we head inside?" Jane asked.
"Probably." Beverly replied. Jane giggled.

*time skip to after school*

"So, h-ow did you like school?" Bill asked.
"It was great! Most everyone was super nice to me. I'm glad I had you guys with me though." Jane beamed.
"Hey Jane, I'm gonna go to the barrens to see the rest of the Club, do you and Bill wanna come with?" Beverly asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.
"Club? Barrens?" Jane asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.
"The Losers Club. It's w-what we call ourselves, w-we being my friends and I-I. And the B-Barrens is where we hang-g out." Bill explained.
"Oh. Sure I'd love to." Jane replied.
"Are you sure J-Jane? It's kinda b-bumpy." Bill cautioned.
"Y-yeah! It'll be fun, just, um, go slow." Jane explained. Beverly nodded.

*time skip to the Barrens*

Jane shakily stepped down, Bill and Beverly holding her hands and leading her down the hill.
"W-watch out, there's a r-root." Bill warned. Jane nodded and stepped down carefully, gripping their hands tightly.
"One more step and your good." Beverly explained. Jane nodded and took another careful step.
"Alright, y-your good." Bill said.
"Okay, phew." Jane giggled and took a deep breath. She could smell the flowers and grass, the stream no too far away. The sound of birds chirping, bugs crawling through the grass, and what sounded like quick movements in the air.
"What's that sound?" Jane asked, walking towards it and prodding her cane on the ground.
"It's Richie and Eddie. They're arguing over which ones better, marvel or dc." A voice called out.
"How? They aren't talking?" She questioned.
"Sign language." The voice explained.
Oh. One of them is deaf.
Jane's cane hit something soft and she heard a squeak.
"Oops, sorry!" She said, withdrawing her cane.
"It's alright, um, Bill who is this?" Another voice asked.
"Th-this is Jane. She's my b-best friend." Bill explained.
"Is she the blind one?" An odd voice asked.
"Richie!" She heard someone whisper-shout, followed by what sounded like someone hitting someone's arm.
"It's alright. I'm Jane Ripsom, and yes, I'm blind." She smiled kindly and held her hand out to 'Richie's voice. He grasped her hand and shook it. Suddenly a bright light stung Jane's eyes. She squinted, covering her stinging eyes.
"Ow, uh what's happening?! Bill?!" She shouted, falling to the ground.
"J-Jane?! What's wrong?!" He asked. She rubbed her eyes and opened them slightly. Her vision exploded with color, shapes swimming before her until it turned into a clear picture. A boy squatting in front of her, bright blue eyes and dark brown hair.
"Bill?" She asked.
"Yeah, J-Jane it's me. What's w-wrong?" He asked, helping her up.
"I can see." She gasped. His eyes widened.
"What?!" He asked.
"I can see!" She shouted, twirling around to look at everything.
"Oh my gosh! It's a miracle!" Bill yelled, picking her up and spinning her. She laughed and looked at the people gathered around. The one on the very left had bright red hair and striking blue eyes.
"Beverly?!" She asked. Beverly nodded and hugged her tight. She pulled back and looked at the others.
"This is Stan, Ben, Mike, Eddie and- where's Richie?" Beverly asked. Jane looked around the group, seeing a boy behind them. She approached him slowly, noticing immediately how different he was. He had light skin, almost white. His hair was a dark black against it, his eyes a dark brown. His mouth was opened wide and his glasses were falling down slowly.
"Richie?" She asked softly, now in front of him. He looked up at her.
"I can hear." He said softly, his eyes filled with tears. Tears filled her own eyes too, and she slowly reached out and hugged  him tightly. He sobbed happily and the others crowded around, hugging the two crying soulmates. When they finally broke apart, Jane pulled Richie away.
"Teach me. I wanna see everything." She asked, her eyes twinkling. He nodded, beaming and gripped her hand tightly as he showed her the world.


I feel like I've been waiting for YEARS for Scout to come out, but YAY NOW ITS OUT HAPPINESSSSSS!

What's your favorite song from the album? I love em all, but my favorite is probably waves.

Kk srry bye now hope y'all are enjoying the book! 😘🎈

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