First Thoughts

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Where you have a tattoo of the first thing your soulmate thinks when he/she first sees you. And when you touch them, it disappears.

Jane toddled inside with her mother, home from her kindergarten.
"Daddy! Daddy!" She squealed as he picked her up and swung her around.
"Peanut! How was kindergarten?" He asked, glancing at her upset looking mom.
"Oh wonderful. Our daughter learned how you meet your soulmate. And she learned a new word." She deadpanned. Jane beamed and nodded.
"Oh really peanut? That's great? Can you tell me?" He smiled. Jane nodded.
"Our somates think somfin when they see us an what they think is penermanently on our arms." She said proudly.
"Very good! And, what was the new word you learned?" He asked uncertainly. She pulled her sleeve back, showing off her new tattoo of her soulmates thought and proudly shouted "FUCK!"
".......oh dear."

*time skip 8 years later*

"Remember your manners-"
"I will mom."
"And don't forget to speak clearly-"
"Yes mom."
"And walk tall, act confident-"
"Don't worry mom."
Jane's mother sighed.
"Just try to act likeable? Don't be your usual self, they'd kick you out of the state. Just act like everyone else." She said, brushing the wrinkles out of the purple dress she wore.
"Yes ma'am." Jane sighed.
Why can't I ever just be me.
"Well alright then. I suppose this will have to do. Go on then, or you'll be late." Her mom said as she walked away.
"Goodbye mother." Jane said half heartedly.
"Try not to be a disappointment!"

*time skip to recess*

Jane looked around the school yard, searching for the shade of an oak tree. Instead of playing with the other kids, Jane usually opted for reading her new library book. She peeked out behind a corner and spotted the perfect tree.
She grinned and stepped forward and immediately clashed into a boy. He yelped and fell into her, causing her to squeak. He caught himself quickly, placing two hands beside her head and effectively trapping her. She stared at him, her eyes just as wide as his, although his looked larger due to his glasses. He gulped loudly, blushing softly. She blushed hard.
Oh. Oh my.
His blush turned into a smirk.
"I told ya Eds! Girls fall for me left and right!" He said, twisting his head around to look behind him. Jane frowned and peeked out behind him. There were three boys, two rolling their eyes and one smiling gently. He waved at her. She gave a small wave back.
"Oh for Pete's sake Richie. Just get off the poor girl she's probably traumatized." The curly haired boy said. Richie frowned and looked Jane up and down.
"Oh. Right-o Stanlio!" He bounced up and held his hand out for Jane, smiling. She gripped his hand and stood.
"Not to be rude, but wasn't it you that fell on me?" She asked, brushing the dirt off her dress.
"Aye that it was. But no worries, I'll have you fallin for me in no time." He winked. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
Insufferable idiot
"S-s-sorry about him. He doesn't kno-ow when to shut up-p sometimes." The nice boy smiled kindly. Jane smiled and softened.
"I'm Jane." She said, holding her hand out. He smiled and took it. "Bill."
"I'm Eddie." The shortest boy cut in, offering his hand as well. Jane smiled and took it. His grip was firm, but gentle as well.
"I'm Stan. This is Richie." Said the curly head boy. Jane shook his hand, smiling shyly.
Jane whipped her head around to see Richie holding her book, wiping off the dirt and inspecting it.
"Oh! Um, yeah it's, uhm, nothing." Jane snatched it out of his hands.
"Um, well it-t was n-nice meeting you." Bill said as he and the others started to walk away.
"Nice meeting you too." Jane replied. They all started to walk off except Richie. Eddie looked back at him, but he raised a finger, as if he was saying "one sec." Eddie nodded and continued with the others.
"So, you like books?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and glancing up at her. She crossed her arms over the book defensively. "Yeah. So?"
He shrugged. "Just wondering. You have good taste."
Jane furrowed her brows. "What?"
He tapped the book. "The book. It's a good one."
Jane lowered her arms slowly, softening.
"You've read it?"
He nodded, staring at the ground. "It's one of my favorites."
Jane felt bad. "Oh. I hadn't taken you for someone who liked books." She admitted. He looked up at her, smiling.
"There might be more to me that meets the eye, sweetheart."
She blushed at the name. "Don't call me sweetheart."
He chuckled. "Sorry."
She smiled. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude."
He shrugged. "S'okay. I'm used to it."
Her eyes widened. "Well you shouldn't be." She huffed.
"You think?" He asked quietly.
"Well sure! No one should be." She replied honestly. He smiled, honest and genuine.
"Thanks. So, um, not to pry, but why're you out here all alone? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends?"
Jane stiffened and sat down, opening her book. "I don't have any."
"Oh." He sat down next to her. "Well, d'you mind if I sit next to you?"
She looked at him, confused. "Why do you want to sit with me?"
"Because! You seem....nice." He chuckled.
"Oh, um, sure." She blushed.
"So.....have you met your soulmate?" He asked. Jane gasped and smacked him gently on the arm.
"We aren't supposed to talk about them!" She shrieked.
"Ouch! Yowza geez! It's not that big a deal." He muttered, rubbing his arm. She sighed.
He frowned and looked at her.
She blushed.
"The answer. It's no. I haven't met him." She mumbled. He nodded and looked down, understanding her shame. Just about everyone in their school had met their soulmate.
"Me neither." He whispered. She looked at him, eyes wide and soft.
"Yeah." She said softly.
"Yeah." He chuckled.
"Well, here's to being outcasts." She said, raising her hand for a high five. He smiled and high fives her. The minute his skin touched hers he felt a sharp pinch of pain.
"Ouch!" She shrieked, jumping back.
"What the fuck?" He yelled. "What the fuck was that?!" He asked, looking up at her. She pondered for a bit. Then her jaw dropped and she gaped at him.
"What?!" He asked, confused.
"No. Fucking. Way." She gasped. She lunged forward and pulled his arm out. He yelled in surprise as she inspected his wrist.
"What are yo-" he stopped.
The words on his wrist were gone
He looked up at her, eyes wide.
"Oh. Oh my." He quoted. She blushed deeply.
"Fuck." She giggled. He blushed and chuckled too.
"Soooo, nice to meet you soulmate." He beamed and raised his hand. She smiled and shook it.
"Nice to meet you too."

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