J. J. R., R. W. T.

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Where you are born with your soulmates middle name on your wrist

Jane knocked on the Tozier door gently, still contemplating running back to the safety of her room. Richie had invited her to sleepover at his house, and she had immediately agreed, excited at the idea of spending the night throwing game pieces and joking around with her crush. However, she was really rethinking it now. She wasn't supposed to have a crush, seeing as the name on her wrist kinda sealed the deal on who she was supposed to end up with. What if she actually fell in love with Richie?!
Before she could run, the door opened and a man, who she assumed was Wentworth Tozier, looked out at her.
"Who are you?! We don't want any Girl Scout cookies if that's what your here for." He growled. She shook her head quickly.
"No! No I'm not a Girl Scout. I'm actually a friend of Richie's. He invited me to sleepover....?" She shifted her backpack, uncomfortable and nervous, under his evil glare.
"Of course he did, ungrateful little fucker..." He grumbled as he opened the door wider. Jane's eyebrows flew up.
"What did you just-" She started but was interrupted.
"Richard! Your little street rat friend is here for you!" He yelled. Jane fumed. Not because of what he called her, but because of what he called Richie.
"What are you talking about!" A voice yelled back. Jane calmed immediately.

No way
No fucking way

She pulled her sleeve up, staring at the name that bore into her skin.


She'd grown up wondering what kind of freak would name their son that.
Now she knew.

He would be the pompous freak that names his son after him she thought bitterly.

Color returned to her cheeks as Richie appeared, in a black T-shirt and jeans. He brightened at the sight of her.
"What is this....girl....doing here Richard?" His father spat. Richie glared at him.
"This girl is my best friend. I invited her over because you and mom were going on a trip." He explained. Jane shivered a little. There was a fire in Richie's eyes that she'd never seen before. The two glared at each other angrily for a moment, before Wentworth left. Richie sighed and turned to Jane.
"Sorry, they were supposed to be gone, but someone decided to get drunk and....well...." He trailed off. Jane nodded.
"I can come back on a different day if you want." She said, slowly making her escape. His eyes widened.
"NO! Uhm, please don't. I......I can't be alone with them." He pleaded, the fire that was there earlier replaced with fear. Well now Jane HAD to stay.
"Okay." She smiled and he smiled back.
"Uh, here, c'mon in." He opened the door wider. She walked in cautiously, observing her surroundings. She was in the living room, the kitchen on her left. Stairs in front of her. She glanced at the messy living room, her eyes stopping on the passed out woman on the couch.
That must be Maggie
"Here, um, my rooms this way." He grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs and into his room. It was rather clean, to Jane's surprise. There were posters covering the walls, of Richie's favorite bands and horror movies galore. She smiled as she dropped her backpack, and walked over to a familiar poster of Nightmare on Elm Street.
"Gee, this looks familiar." She giggled and tapped the poster. Richie grinned.
"Huh, I wonder why? It couldn't possibly be because a certain two friends, one dashingly handsome, one a total bore, went to see that movie? Perhaps?" He walked over to her and grabbed her hands, intertwining their fingers. She giggled.
"And the girl got so scared she ran out of the theater and bumped into the boy-"
"-who had left to get a refill on their popcorn. And she grabbed the popcorn and put it on the floor of all places-"
"-And she just couldn't help but start to cry." Jane smiled fondly, remembering the moment.
"And the dashing boy wrapped his arms around her-"
"-Just like this-" Richie said as he wrapped his arms around her.
"-And promised the girl that he would always be there for her, no matter what." Jane finished.
"And I haven't broken it once." He smiled.
"No, you haven't. You've always been there for me, Rich. Let me be there for you." She pleaded. He blinked, confused.
"What's going on with you and your parents?" She asked. He dropped his arms and sighed, walking backwards to sit on his bed. Jane sank down beside him, eyes searching his carefully.
"It's-God it's all fucked up." He started, rubbing his eyes. Jane reached over and grabbed his hand. He smiled gratefully.
"My mom-she's not too bad, when she's sober. But the minute she has a sip-" he shook his head. "My dad on the other hand-" he groaned and flopped backwards on his bed, hands covering his glasses. Jane leaned down, lying beside him. Richie sighed.
"My dads just a jerk, honestly. He never cared about me, or my ma. That's why she drinks so much. Cuz of him." He spat bitterly. Jane scooched over to him, laying her head on his chest and cuddling into him, as they often did when they were alone. He wrapped his arms around her and shifted so he was face to face with her.
"Tell me something about yourself." He said, eyes searching her soft amber ones.
"I hate lotion. I hate the feeling of it on my skin." She shivered. He chuckled.
"Hey! Don't laugh okay it's really gross!" She giggled and he laughed louder.
"Tell me something about you." She demanded.
"I saved up three months worth of allowance to buy you that strawberry perfume." He admitted. She slapped him gently on the arm.
"I knew it! I told you not to get me anything!" She shrieked. He laughed happily.
"I had too! It was your 13th birthday! The big one-three!" He exclaimed. She laughed.
"I wear it everyday." She admitted. He smiled.
"Really? Is that why you always smell so nice?" He asked. She nodded.
"'Chee, if I asked you something really important, would you promise not to laugh or crack any jokes?" She asked. He frowned.
"Of course Jane. What....what is it?" He asked, slightly nervous. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Then she snapped them open and said one word.


He frowned.
"....what about it?" He asked.
"It's the name on your wrist, isn't it?" She asked. His eyes widened.
"Yeah.....how'd you know?" He asked. She sat up and tugged on his shirt, signaling for him to sit up as well. He did so and she pulled up her sleeve. She grabbed his wrist and put their wrists next to each other. He stared at the name on her wrist, unbelieving.


He glanced at his own wrist, staring at the beautiful cursive.


"That's your middle name, isn't it." He asked. She nodded.
"J. J. R." She said. "Jane Joy Ripsom."
"J. J." He smiled at her. "Cute."
She blushed.
"Yeah well yours is Wentworth, so I think I win this round."
He laughed. "Yeah, okay. Stupid parents." He chuckled.
"Hey, I never said I didn't like it. R. W. T. It's kinda cool if you never say what the w stands for." She smiled. He laughed.
"Yeah I guess so." He grinned at her. She grinned back.

"Kidz? Since when did I have two of em?"

The two turned to see Maggie in the doorway, clearly still under the effects of the alcohol buzzing in her system. Richie stood immediately and steadied her.
"Woah mom, take it easy. This is Jane," he turned to smile at the worried girl still sitting on his bed.
"She's......the most perfect soulmate I could ask for." He said softly. She blushed deeply.
"Um, Rich is there anything I can do to help...ya know..." she nodded to his drunk mom. He shook his head.
"Naw, I got it princess. You just sit there an look pretty. Check and check." He smiled as he led his mom to her room. He laid her down on her bed and walked back to his room. He opened the door to find Jane still sitting on his bed, but in a nightgown instead. She looked up at him, blushing slightly.
"It's, um, getting late, I hope you don't mind-" she started, fiddling with her hair.
"No no it's fine! We should be sleeping anyways." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. She nodded and stood.
"I'll just, um, get some water." She said, blushing deeply now.
"Right." He blurted, blushing just as deep. She walked downstairs quietly, making a beeline for the kitchen. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water, cleaning the kitchen up a bit as she did so.

"He talks about you a lot, you know."

Jane jumped and turned quickly. Wentworth was sipping a beer, watching her intently.
"I think of him just as much." She informed him solemnly.
"What I can't get....is why. He talks about how perfect you are, how pretty, inside and out." He stood next to her now, brushing a strand of hair from her face. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it away.
"I don't get it either, trust me. I know what a fucking screw up I am. I don't deserve him. He's sweet and kind and wonderful, even though he goes through the bullshit you put him through. I don't deserve him, but neither do you. We're even." She spat, glaring at him as she placed the cup down and walked upstairs. But she paused, halfway up.
"Oh, and if anyone here is a fucker, it's you, you motherfucking piece of shit." She growled before continuing up to Richie's room. She opened the door to see Richie pacing back and forth, wearing a gray shirt and blue plaid pajama pants. He looked up at her, his face red.
"Jane, thank God thought somethin happened to you, can I, um, try something?" He asked, gripping his hands nervously.
"Well sure, Rich." Jane said, not entirely sure as to why he was asking her this. He nodded and surged forward, kissing her gently. She jumped a little, surprised, but pushed into him quickly, wanting more. He pulled back, cheeks flushed and lips parted.
"Woah." He gasped. Jane chuckled.
"Woah yourself." She said. He smiled.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long." He admitted. She smiled.
"Me too."


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