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If your soulmate gets hurt, you do too.

Jane winced as she was rushed to the Nurse's office in the school. Stan and Bill carried her and Eddie cleared everyone in front of them.
"MOVE WE HAVE A BLEEDING GIRL HERE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND AND SHE'S IN FUCKING PAIN IF YOU DON'T FUCKING MOVE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW I SWEAR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Eddie yelled as everyone rushed to the sides of the hallway, eyes widened with fear, surprise, and curiosity as the three hauled her into the room.
"Ow, fuck this hurts!" Jane cried out as they placed her gently on the table.
"What do we do?!" Stan asked the nurse.
"We wait it out. When it's done we'll stitch her up as best we can." She said. Blood trickled down the side of her head, and Jane's vision grew blurry. Beverly burst into the room, worry filling her eyes.
"What happened?! Is she okay?!" She asked, gripping Jane's hand.
"W-we don't kno-ow. Sh-she just started b-bleeding." Bill explained.
"Oh my God, oh shit, oh fuck, she's gonna die, holy fuck-" Eddie rambled. Jane pulled him close and pulled his inhaler out of his back pocket, shoving it into his chest as she panted. He took three gasps of the medicine and paced around the room.
"Where's Richie?" Beverly asked.
"Not here. Skipped school today." Stan answered.

POV on Richie

Richie winced as a bottle shattered against his head. Blood trickled down and he ducked as another bottle flew near him.
"ALL I DO IS WORK TO TAKE CARE OF YOU, AND ALL YOU DO IS BITCH IN RETURN-" his mom screamed. He ran upstairs quickly, ducking as another bottle was flung his way. He ran into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it hastily. He turned to the mirror to see a gash above his ear, blood flowing out slowly. He grimaced and grabbed a towel, wetting it and pressing it to his head, an in effort to stop the bleeding.
I sure hope my soulmates alright.

*time skip to a few days later*

POV on Jane

"Hey guys! Been a while huh! Cry over me much?" Richie yelled as he walked to the table the five sat at, doing homework in the library.
"SHHHH!" Whispered a bunch of people around them. He winced and flashed a smile as he turned his attention back to his friends.
"Richie! Where have you been? You disappeared off the map for like three days!" Eddie whisper shouted. Richie sighed as he sat next to Jane.
"Sorry, I've been super busy fucking your mom." He grinned.
"Beep beep Richie." They all chorused.
"See! It's like I haven't been gone at all!" He chuckled. Jane shook her head and turned her attention to her math.
"Well, you missed it. Jane's soulmate got hurt." Beverly said. Jane shot her a glare from across the table. It had been bad enough that it happened in the middle of school where all her classmates could see, she didn't need Beverly telling Richie too.
"What? Are you okay?" He asked, worried. Jane faked a smile.
"Yeah! It was just a scratch, not a big deal." She said.
"B-but-" Bill started but she shot him a death glare.
"Just. A. Scratch." She repeated. He nodded and focused on the history notes in front of him.
"Oh, well, that's good I guess. Your soulmate musta tripped or somethin." Richie said.
"Yeah, guess so." Jane said.
"Yeah, guess he tripped onto a fucking fence or some shit cuz Jane had a fucking gash over her ear!" Eddie yelled.
"SHHH!" People hushed him but he flipped them off, clearly pissed.
"Eddie!" Jane glared at him.
"What?! You could have died Jane! Sorry that I'm protective over my best fucking friend!" He whisper-yelled.
"What happened!?" Richie asked, curious and scared. Jane sighed.
"Well I was walking to my science class when I got this tiny cut-"
"Huge gash." Stan corrected.
"-*sigh* huge gash above my ear. Bill and Stan hauled me to the nurse and as soon as the wound stopped she stitched it up and I went back to class the minute it stopped bleeding." She shrugged.
"Was this on Tuesday?" He gulped. She nodded.
"I just hope he's okay." She shivered.
"I'm sure he is." Beverly reached over and gripped her hand gently.
"Yeah, he's probably much better now." Richie echoed, lost in thought.

Is it possible?

*time skip again*

Jane flinched as she stretched her back out carefully, not wanting to break open any of the scabs on her back. Last night was the first time her father drew blood, whipping her so hard the skin broke open and she now sported three long, diagonal lines on her back. She approached the school and immediately looked for her friends. Richie had called them all saying he had important news. She spotted them on the side of the school.

"Ouch! Fuck Billy be gentle!"
"S-sorry Richie."

She gasped.

Bill pulled Richie's shirt up, revealing three long lines in his back.


"Is it bad? It hurt like a motherfucker last night, stung like a bitch this morning." He winced.
"Yeah Rich, it's pretty bad." Eddie said, grimacing at the sight in front of him. Jane didn't wait any longer, sprinting away.

Shit shit shit motherfucking shit!

She hid in the bathroom, staring at her weeping face.
"N-no, I- I hurt him, it's my fault, oh God, oh shit-" she cried, wiping her face, trying to stop the tears but utterly failing.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Greta called out. Jane sighed.
"Go away Greta." She said shakily.
"What are you, are you crying Ripsom?" She laughed. Jane rolled her eyes and turned to her, her eyes still red.
"Fuck off Greta. I'm not in the mood."
Greta sneered.
"Did I ask for your opinion?" She grabbed Jane and hauled her outside, punching her eye so hard it was bound to leave a big black bruise. Jane cried out. Then Greta shoved her against the lockers.
"Fuck!" Jane cried out, her back stinging.

POV on Richie

"Ah fuck!" He screeched, jerking back and covering his eye.
"What? Rich what's happening?!" Stan asked. Richie uncovered his eye and sure enough there was a big black bruise forming on his eye. Bill's eyes widened.
"Y-your soulmate!" He yelled. Richie bolted towards the door, but fell down in pain on the way. His back stung. Bad. He groaned and stood, using the wall for support as he rushed inside the school. He wasn't sure, but until last night he'd had his suspicions. Sure enough, as he and the others entered the school, his eyes landed on a big group of people surrounding who he assumed was his soulmate and what looked like Greta Keene. He growled and pushed through the crowd, ignoring the pain he felt and the blood trickling from his now split lip.
"Let her go Greta!" He shouted. The crowd split and he saw her. Bloody lip, black eye, tears in her eyes.
"G-go Rich. Y-you don't have to do th-this." She pleaded, still wincing at the pain she felt. He shook his head.
"No, I'm not leaving you. Besides, you have some explaining to do." He chuckled. She smiled weakly, before whimpering as she was pressed harder into the lockers. Richie clenched his fists and grit his teeth, pushing the pain away and focusing on the bitch in front of him.
"I'll give you one more chance Greta. Let. Her. Go." He growled.
"Oh yeah? Think your tough Tozier? Whatever I do happens to you, don't forget." She laughed. Bill walked up beside him.
"Maybe, but it doesn't with us." He stated. The others gathered around as well. She frowned and stepped backwards, allowing Jane to slide down and fucking breathe. Richie launched himself at her immediately, grabbing her and hauling her into the music room.
"Oh my fuck, Jane, are you okay?" He asked, pressing his hand to her cheek. Her head lolled into his hand, pressing closer to his gentle touch.
"How long have you known?" She asked, her voice raspy.
"Ever since the day at the library." He said.
"What happened to you Rich?" She asked, suddenly worried for him.
"My mom she, well she broke a bottle on my head while she yelled at me." He admitted. Jane's eyes welled with tears, and Richie watched in horror as they spilt over.
"Jane what-what's wrong baby?" He asked, pulling her into his lap and cuddling her.
"You-you've has such a ha-ard life R-Rich. Yo-ou just got b-better and n-now you have to deal w-with this....I'm such a shitty person, I'm s-o sorry!" She burst into tears.
"No! No no no! Baby your perfect! Don't say that Jane, it's not your fault!" He rocked her gently, pressing his nose onto her head and kissing her forehead.
"B-but the m-marks! M-my dad whi-ipped me again and thi-is time it bled a-and it happened to you to-o!" She sniffed, pressing her face deeper into his chest.
"Oh baby, your dad whips you? That's unacceptable!" He whispered. She whimpered and gripped onto him tightly.
"Well your mom throws bottles at you so I'd say we're even." She sniffed.
"Yeah, I guess so." He whispered. Eddie ran in.
"Oh god, um we called the ambulance, they'll be here soon." He said. Richie nodded and he left, gagging quietly.
"Whaddya say we leave this joint someday Jane. Just you and me, against the world. No parents or bullies or problems. Just us." He said. Jane snuggled further, falling unconscious.
"That sounds nice 'Chee." She whispered before they both crashed to the ground, unconscious, but still holding tight to each other.

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