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I actually came up with this au so, yeah *squeals*

once you get to a certain age, you start seeing your soulmate in mirrors or windows.

Jane sobbed as she burst into her room.
15th birthdays shouldn't be this bad
She thought bitterly. She was finally fifteen. Finally able to see who her soulmate was, and her bitchy mom was making it the worst day ever. She sat on her bed, hair down and covering her face, and stared at the mirror across the room.
"P-please, please respond I-I need to kn-ow." She pleaded, tears steadily streaming down her cheeks. All of a sudden, the last boy she thought she'd see appeared in her mirror, breathless and eyes wide in fear.
"'Chee?!?" She sniffed, confused. There was no way that Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier was her soulmate. He was annoying, and constantly teased her, and was a nuisance.


He actually looked worried in her mirror, eyes wide, face pale.


"Jane?!? What's going on? Are you okay? Do you need me to come over?" He rambled.

"What-no I'm-" Jane stopped and sniffed, wiping her eyes.

Should I give him a chance?

"Yeah, actually, Rich if you could-"

"I'll be there in five minutes, three if I shortcut through the Mumphreys lawn." He said. Jane giggled.
"Don't run over the flowers!" She called out before he left. He smiled and then disappeared. She sniffed and pulled her hair into a ponytail, wiping her eyes and inspecting her room. It was a little too messy, so she started cleaning. She was positive she could get it done in four minutes, smiling at the thought of Richie.

*tap tap tap*

Jane frowned. It has only been three minutes how-

"Oh no he didn't-" she walked over to her window and pulled it up, allowing Richie inside. He tumbled in, panting, red faced.
"What the-tell me you did NOT hurt those poor flowers-where did you come from?" She asked as she helped him up and they sat on her bed. He chuckled.
"I was at the arcade." He smiled. She frowned.
"But the arcade is like ten minutes away- how in the fuck did you do that?!" She asked. He chuckled again.
"I'll do anything for my soulmate." He winked. Jane blushed and fiddled with the comforter.
"Speaking of which.....what happened? You were a mess Jane, I've never seen you so sad, it scared me half to death-"
"It's my birthday today." Jane stated.
"I know. I called you." He nodded. Jane smiled.
"Best part of my day, till now. My mom, she wouldn't let me out. She started saying a bunch of stuff-"
"What'd she say?" Richie interrupted. Jane sighed.
"Jane. What. Did. She. Say." Richie asked again.
"S-she said I was a load of shit. She said 'Who the fuck would ever want to be soulmates with an ugly bitch like you-'" Jane burst into sobs again. Richie's eyes widened and he leaned in and hugged her. He stayed silent as she shook against him, sobbing into his shoulder. Eventually she pulled back, wiping her eyes and sniffing. Richie stood immediately and headed to the door.
"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker-" he reached for the door handle but Jane grabbed his hand, stopping him.
"No don't Richie, please. I-I don't want to be alone." She said, fear in her eyes. He nodded and turned to her.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked quietly. She shrugged.
"I-I don't know. This is usually the part where I cry myself to sleep." She stared at the ground. He hummed quietly, before tugging her gently back over to the bed.
"C'mere, I got an idea." He said. She sniffed and followed him. He pulled back her covers and climbed into the bed, pulling her with him. Slowly, and gently, he pulled her flush against him. She tucked her head into his shoulder and wrapped her hand across his torso. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on hers.
"'Chee, what is this? What are we doing?" She asked quietly.
"It's cuddling. Don't tell me you've never cuddled before." He said.
"I've never had anyone TO cuddle." Jane admitted.
"Well now you do. I promise I'll be here for you always." He stated. She hummed and snuggled a little further in.
"How do you like it?" He asked.
"I wanna do this always. Can we stay like this?" She asked, her eyes drooping. Richie chuckled.
"Of course we can."

Janchie~Soulmate AUSWhere stories live. Discover now