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Where you stop aging when you turn 18 until you meet your soulmate so you can age together. You have a watch that stops time so you know exactly when you meet your soulmate.

Jane shivered nervously.
"Are you excited?!" Eddie asked.
"Yeah! C'mon Jane, who knows when you'll meet your soulmate!" Bev squealed.
Bev had insisted that all the losers had a group sleepover at Stan's house for Jane's 18th birthday. Jane had asked why, but Bev just smiled. Little secretive jerk. It was 11:50, ten minutes till Jane would stop growing older. And everyone was freaking out, asking her thousands of questions every second. All except Richie. He had been oddly silent all night.
"Um, you guys do realize nothing is gonna happen, right? My watch'll stop and I'll go on with life." She shrugged. Richie stood and walked outside. No one paid him attention, too busy with Jane. But she noticed. So she followed him. Her watch beeped as a signal that it was five minutes till. She took a deep breath and walked outside. Richie was leaning against the railing that surrounded the Uris porch, smoke pouring out of his mouth.
"Hey, you okay?" Jane asked, approaching him slowly. He turned, surprised and flicked his cig out.
"Hey, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." He smiled, his voice rough. She smiled back and stood next to him, breathing in the cold air and coughing at the smell of smoke. Richie winced.
"Sorry about that." He mumbled.
"'Bout what? *cough cough* It's not your fault, though I do wish you'd stop. It's not good for you." She waved her hand in front of her face.
"Yeah I know." He said, staring down. "So, you excited?" He asked, fixing his glasses. She shook her head.
"I'm...I'm actually really nervous." She admitted. He looked at her, shocked.
"Nervous? About what?" He asked. She winced at his loud tone.
"Eighteen. It's......it's fucking scary, Rich. We go to college, start our lives, meet our soulmate. I'm fucking terrified. What if...what if my soulmate is bad? What if he's mean, treats me awfully?" She asked, tears in her eyes. His eyes widened and he hugged her, burying his nose in her soft hair.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. If your soulmate so much as points a finger at you wrong, I'll beat the shit outta him. I'll protect you, I promise." He said. She sniffed and buried her face deeper into his chest. They stayed like this for a while, until,



Jane sniffed again, and pulled back, looking at her watch. She blinked, confused.
"What the....." She tapped her watch, and shook her wrist.
"What is it?" Richie asked, concerned. She looked up at him, blushing slightly.
"My watch it's......it's still going Rich." She said softly. Richie's eyes widened. He glanced at his watch, which had previously been stopped at 12:00.

It said 12:01

He blushed hard as he looked up at her. Her eyes were shining.
"I.....fuck I don't know what to say." Richie said sheepishly, reaching behind and rubbing his neck.
"That's a first." She chuckled. He laughed as well.
"Well, maybe we don't have to say anything." She smiled.
"What would we do instead?" He asked. She fiddled with her hands for a short moment before she lunged forward and kissed him. He jerked back a little before pressing forward as well. Jane pulled back and looked at him, eyes wide and gasping in surprise. He panted as well and gently surged forward, grabbing her face and kissing her.


The two jumped apart and snapped their heads to the window, where all of the Losers Gang was cheering.

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