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Where you see every color except the color of your soulmates eyes

This was REALLY frikin hard to write, seeing as both characters have fuckin brown eyes. Because of that, I will admit that this is definitely one of my weaker ones.

Jane always wondered what it would be like to see the color brown. She heard it was kinda boring, just a plain color. She still wished she could see it though. Whenever she looked at tree trunks or chocolate, or hell even her own damn eyes. But alas, no matter how many people she met, she still couldn't see it. She couldn't see the homeschooled kids skin color, or her own for that fact. She couldn't see the color of the leaves of the ground as she walked to school, or the desk she sat at on her first day of school. She sighed miserably and pulled out her notebook, ready to be paired with another partner who would make her do all the science work.

"Alright class, you know how this goes. Pairs will be: Lily and James, Victor and Henry, Stan and Eddie, Patrick and Janice, Greta and Frank-"

People scrambled around, sitting next to their partners. Jane sighed and listened for her name. After a few more people, she finally heard it.
"Jane and Richie-"
Jane frowned.
Who the hell is Richie?
She glanced around the room, looking for anyone who was missing a partner. Then she saw him. He has messy black hair and was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He had pale skin, and a few freckles on his nose and cheeks. But Jane was more interested in his big glasses, or more accurately, the eyes behind his glasses. He made eye contact and they both stopped, too amazed to function. His eyes turned to a beautiful shade Jane had never seen before. It was deep and gorgeous, rays of honey yellow and all of a sudden, Jane's vision burst with color. Her desk, her classmates, she could see it all. But she never took her eyes off his. He walked forward slowly, until he was sitting in front of her. She gulped.
"So...that's brown." He said shakily. She nodded.
"My friend Beverly said it's a boring color." Jane said softly, still admiring the boy.
"She was wrong. I've...I've never-"
"-Seen something so beautiful." He finished, smiling. She smiled too.

*time skip to after class*

Jane walked happily out of class, gazing at the color around her and listening to Richie babble on.
"Hey, I got some chocolate! Fuck we can finally see chocolate-" he pulled out the candy bar and broke it in half, giving some to her. She took it eagerly and stared at the smooth color before taking a bite.
"So that's what brown tastes like." She said when she'd finished. Richie chuckled, rubbing his hands on the lockers beside them.
"So that's what brown feels like." He laughed as they approached their lockers, luckily side by side. Jane laughed too.
"What's your name, pretty brown eyed girl?" He asked, smiling. She giggled.
"The teacher said it not too long ago Richie. Not very observant are you?" She laughed. He shrugged.
"I was too busy looking at the prettiest girl the world has ever seen." He gushed. She blushed deeply.
"Jane. Jane Ripsom." She stuck her hand out. He shook it.
"Richie Tozier's my name, doin voices is my game." He said, giving a small bow. She giggled.
"Well, I've learned a lot today!" He exclaimed, pulling his notebook out of his backpack and shoving it in.
"What's the most important thing you learned?" Jane asked, genuinely curious. Richie looked at her seriously.
"What color my shit is." He deadpanned. Jane burst out laughing.


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