Black to Rainbow

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Where you have a black mark on your skin from where your soulmate first touches you.

Everyone pitied Jane.
"Poor girl." They said.
"How awful!" They'd exclaim.
But Jane knew that would happen.
It's bound to happen when you have a black handprint on your cheek. Jane grew to be very cautious, especially of boys. Who knew when her soulmate would hit her? She was wary, even of her brother, refusing to be alone with a boy. She stuck to Beverly at school, and made sure to walk ahead of the boy who lived on her street. He had smiled at her before, and waved. She shakily did the same and bolted afterwards, scared he'd try to talk to her. However, when no one was watching, she'd often watch him outside her windows. Watch him play with his friends, who she and Beverly had cleverly named.
There was the boy who lived on her street, which they'd named Trashmouth for his constant cursing.
Then there was sickly shorty, named because of his height and his inhaler. Beverly thought it funny, how short he was, but Jane thought it nice. He was a nice size, not shorter than her but not too much taller either.
Then there was blue bird, who they'd named because he was obsessed with birds, and because out of all the colors he wore, they both agreed that blue suited him best.
Lastly, there was blue eyed dream, as Beverly called him. Jane had thought of stutters, but went with Beverly's idea. She seemed to like him most of all. They quite enjoyed watching the boys play and fool around, wishing they could be down there too. But Beverly's father would freak if she did, and Jane would have a panic attack.

"D'you think they'd like us?" Jane asked, lying on the floor while Beverly sat on her bed.
"Maybe. We'll never know unless we talk to them." She peeked out at Jane from under her lashes. Jane sat up.
"Bevvie, what're you thinkin?" She asked cautiously.
"Well, why don't we talk to them at school? They'll be a lot of people around so you don't have to worry about being alone with them, and it's at school so I don't have to worry about my dad! C'mon Jane, it's the perfect plan!" She pleaded.
"Perfect?! You're right there's tons of kids there! It'd be so easy for one of them to slip me outside while your distracted and-and-" Jane gasped, panic taking over. Beverly dropped down and rubbed her back, murmuring soft words until Jane could breathe easily again.
"Alright so maybe that plan was flawed." She sighed. Jane flopped back onto the floor, groaning.

*time skip*

"Why are we at the arcade again?" Beverly asked as Jane furiously smashed the buttons.
"Because! It's the best place on earth!" She yelled as she continued the game, focused on it completely.

"Yeah! Thank you! Finally someone who makes sense!" A voice said beside her.

She turned and glanced at the person next to her. It was Trashmouth. He was grinning like he heard that Christmas was coming early. His friends were behind him, looking significantly more bored.
"Oh watch out! Here let me help!" She snapped her attention back to the game as he joined in, helping her beat it.
"Thanks!" She smiled, feeling at ease with the distraction of a game, her attention divided between the two.
"No problem!" He smiled back as they played the game. Jane could hear the others talking behind them, but she focused on the game. She and Trashmouth were in perfect sync, and soon enough they had beaten the game, getting the highest score.
"YES!" They shouted as the words flashed on the screen.
"We did it!" Jane squealed.
"Hell yeah we did! Quick, put in a name!" He shouted, pointing to the screen.
"Oh, uhm, what's your name?" She asked.
"Richie Tozier.  Why doll face?" He asked as she quickly put in a name.
"1. Don't call me doll face, 2. I asked becauseeeee...ta da!!" She pointed to the name she had put in.


"Janchie?" He asked, fixing his glasses.
"Yeah! It's, um, a mix of our names. Since we both beat it. I'm Jane. Jane Ripsom." She explained, breathless.
"Nice to meet you hotstuff. Say you live on my street don't ya?" He asked, smiling pleasantly. She suddenly became very aware of the fact that she was alone with this boy, and Beverly was a good five feet away and although that wasn't that far, Jane felt like it was miles away. She gasped for air, clutching the machine as she dropped to the ground.
"Woah are you okay?! Hey! A little help?" Richie yelled to Beverly. Her eyes widened and she rushed over, grabbing her and taking her outside.
"What's going on?!"
"Is she okay?"
"Shut up!" Beverly hissed. "She's having a panic attack and you all freaking out isn't helping!" Beverly yelled as she sat Jane down. Jane clutched her chest, gasping for air.
"Hey, hey, shhhh it's gonna be fine, you'll be okay." Richie said, leaning down and gently cupping her face with his hand, not paying attention on where he placed it. Jane nodded and stared at him, her breath slowing.
"That's it, just look at me babe, your okay." He smiled. She smiled back. She gripped his hand and stood shakily, leaning against him for support.
"Jane, your cheek!" Beverly whispered. Jane's eyes widened and she looked into the window. Sure enough, the black handprint on her cheek was swirling with rainbows. Richie glanced at his hand, which also was turning from black to rainbow. He looked up to her, grinning like an idiot.
"Gee, I guess I shouldn'a freaked every time I shook someone's hand, huh?" He chuckled. Jane nodded, her eyes filling with tears. His eyes widened.
"Woah woah, what's wrong babe? I wasn't that freaked out." He gripped her waist gently. She shook her head.
"It's not that, I've been so worried my whole life that this *touches cheek* was going to be abuse. I lived in fear, Rich. But it wasn't abuse. You were just helping me." She cried. He sighed and pulled her close, hugging her to him tightly.
"I may have just met you, but I promise Jane, that I will never hurt you." He said, kissing her head softly. She sniffed and pressed closer.
"I love you Trashmouth." She sighed happily, before pulling back as she realized what she said. Her face was red as he chuckled.
"What?" He laughed. She walked off.
"Nope. Not today Satan!" She flipped him off. He ran after her.
"No! Wait you gotta explain- did you call me Trashmouth?!? Hey I didn't say I didn't like it!" He chased her, the both of them laughing.

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