Seeing Things, Seeing Colors

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Where everything is black and white until you touch your soulmate

Jane skipped through the woods, happy and unaware. Today had been a nice day. She and her father had moved in with her new stepmother and brother, and she felt it had gone rather well. She had a wonderful room, a little too pink and prissy for her taste but that was alright. Her new brother, Nick, had helped her decorate it too, making jokes and laugh at hers. She decided she rather liked him, he was kind and sweet, and extremely funny. She smiled as she recalled the day and began to run instead of skip. She giggled and laughed, running through the gray trees and past the gray river. She hadn't felt this happy since her mother lived. Unfortunately, that happiness left, just like it always did. She approached what looked like a quarry, and it seemed that some kids were having a fight.
A quarrel at the quarry Jane thought to herself.
She ran up to one of the larger trees and peeked out from behind it, eavesdropping.

"L-lea-ve us alo-ne Bowers!"
"W-w-w-what was th-that B-B-Billy?"
"Yeah! Leave us alone Bowers! Go shit on someone else!"

There seemed to be some bullies bothering four boys. She watched the oldest bully, who appeared to be Bowers, walk up to them and threaten to throw them off the edge. She gasped, and clapped her hand over her mouth. Bowers whipped his head in her direction.
"What the fuck? Who's there?! Show yourself fuckface!" He yelled. She slowly walked out from behind the tree, looking up shyly at them all. The bullies seemed amused that a small 13 year old girl was watching them. The other boys however looked shocked. All except one, the one who told Bowers to go shit on someone else. He looked at her like he was intrigued by her, his dark gray eyes searching through her very soul.
"Wh-y are you bullying these b-boys? They asked you t-to leave them alone, so why don't you?" She asked, doing her best to put on a brave face.
"Because I do whatever I want bitch, now get before I push you off this edge too." He growled. That was where Jane crossed her personal line. She hated conflict but he was really pushing her buttons. She put one hand on her hip and walked right up to him, crossing her arms and cocking an eyebrow.
"Excuse me? Don't you dare call me a bitch you bastard! Don't even think about touching these boys. Now I believe I told you to leave nicely, but you didn't listen so I'm gonna have to go sour now and tell you to fuck off before I call the police." She threatened.
"With what?" He asked, glaring at her.
Shit. I didn't think this through.
She opened her mouth but one of the boys grabbed her hand and pulled her away. He and the other three boys ran with her to the edge and jumped off, heading speedily to the lake at the bottom. Jane quickly drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt her body become immersed in the water. She opened her eyes, seeing gray above her and Black beneath her. She freaked and wildly flapped her arms, trying to get to the surface. A pair of arms gripped her arms tightly and pulled her up. Her head popped up and she gasped air in quickly.
"I c-can't swim-"
"It's okay sweetheart, I got you c'mere." She gratefully climbed onto his back as he swam them ashore. She helped him out and onto the rocks and that was when she noticed it. The rocks, they were a different color.
Brown her mind screamed.
She looked up.
The sky.
The leaves and grass.
She gasped and looked at her hands.
She could see
She spun quickly, staring at the world around her. She whipped around to the boy who helped her out. It was the boy who stared at her different. He too was looking around excitedly. He paused on her and looked her up and down.
"Damn." He whispered. She blushed.
"Richie, what the fuck are you doing?" A boy asked. Jane glanced at him before turning back. 'Richie' looked at her apologetically, opening his mouth to speak but Jane cut him off.
"Richie." She said softly. He blushed.
She reached out to touch him, his features.
"Hair, Black." She examined. He chuckled.
"Like yours." He smiled. She blushed.
"Freckles-" She started
"As tan as your skin." He finished. She beamed.
"What are you talking about Richie. There's no such thing as tan. Just black, white and gray." One of the boys said. She turned to him.
"But there is! It's the color of my skin! Of his freckles, of the rocks we're on." She beamed. Richie smiled too.
"I can see it Stan. The colors. It's true, all of it." He said, reaching down to grasp Jane's hand in his.
"Well of course it is! You boys didn't think soulmates were a myth did you?" Jane laughed, but soon faltered as she watched their faces.
", thought they were a myth?" She asked. One of them, the stutterer, spoke up.
"K-kinda. W-we figured no o-one would want to be with us." He replied softly. She faltered.
What a sad thought
Then she grew determined, determined to make him believe he too would find love. So she smiled and hugged him.
"It'll happen. For all of you. I guarantee it. If I can find love, you can too." She said, her voice muffled from his chest. He chuckled and hugged her back.
"Hey watch it Denbrough. That's my soulmate your hugging." Richie chuckled. Jane laughed, giddy with excitement, and bounded back over to Richie. He smiled and held her waist. It felt perfect, like his hands were made to be there.
"Speaking of you, I have no clue what your name is." He chuckled. She laughed.
"Jane. Jane Ripsom."

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