You Are My Beautiful

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Where people only see their soulmate as the definition of beautiful

"Tell me you're not writing to him again." Eddie moaned to Jane. She giggled and bit her lip, peeking up at her best friend. Eddie sighed and flopped backwards onto her pink rug.
"This is the third time you've written to him today! How is he not getting annoyed with you? And how do you have that much to say to him?" He whined. Jane giggled again.
"Heyyyy! I'm not that annoying." Jane grumbled. Eddie lifted his head a little and glared at her. She dropped her jaw and hit his foot playfully. He chuckled and sat up again, playing with her curls and she continued to write her letter to her loyal pen pal.

Dear Richie,

Eddie is over, I swear you two would be quite a pair. You'd definitely fight, but it'd be adorable. I still can't believe you're moving here, and onto my own street!! I may or may not tackle you when you come out of the car, you'll have to deal with it. I'll try not to break your glasses, but I make no promises! Also, my parents are definitely going out for the week when your family arrives so you can totally stay the night! I'm already stocking up on snacks and I figured you could pick out a movie/movies and music and we can just have a bunch of fun! I can't wait to see you. It's gonna be amazing.

See ya soon crazy!
Love, Jane

Jane sat up and grabbed an envelope, sticking the letter in along with some tootsie rolls, Richie's favorite candy. She licked the envelope closed, ignored Eddie's gags and do-you-know-how-unsanitary-that-is' and headed out. She skipped over to the mailbox and put it in alongside the other three letters.
"Have you two ever talked about soulmates?" Eddie asked. Jane shook her head and closed the lid.
"You really should Jane." Eddie started. Jane groaned and walked back inside, Eddie hot on her trail.
"I know, I know." Jane complained as she walked back into her room and flopped on her bed. Eddie flopped too and brushed Jane's hair out of her face.
"You're gonna get hurt." He whispered. Jane sighed and cuddled close to him, getting comfortable in his warm chest.
"I know." She mumbled sadly.
"Promise me you'll ask?" He questioned. She nodded.
"Tonight?" He pressed. She nodded.

Dear Jane,

I can't wait to meet him, he sounds like a great guy. Hey, are you insinuating that not everything I do is adorable?!?! That'd be treason on the highest account milady and I'd have to declare war so it better not be. I can't have my finest lady against me. I can't believe it either, even though I may or may not have begged my parents over and over to find a house close to you. There are no records of such an event, you can't catch me! I may tackle you first so don't be on your guard, give me some kinda chance. No worries, I break my glasses every five days it seems so it's no biggie. That sounds fucking amazing! We're gonna have a ball baby! We're watching Chucky, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Carrie, you have no choice. And Guns N Roses all the way baby, maybe with a little Queen dabbled in too. I'm excited to see you too, I can tell that we're gonna be even closer than we are now. I can't write anymore because we're leaving today so I'll see you next Friday I guess. Be prepared to be knocked off your feet by this handsome bastard.

P. S. She's got this gorgeous black hair, curly but not super curly, brown eyes, light not dark, tan skin, she doesn't have many freckles but she has one on the left side of her chin, and the most beautiful smile I swear, my face lights up now as I'm thinking of her.

See you Friday sweets!
Love, Richie

"Oh my god-"
"Don't say it." Jane growled.
"But he-"
"No. It's a mistake." Jane interrupted again.
"He described you Jane." Eddie sighed. Jane looked out the window of the diner, refusing to cry or agree.
"It can't be me. It's not possible." She argued.
"Jane, you're being ridiculous! You like him don't you? Now you know you can be together!" He responded. Jane shook her head.
"There must be a thousand girls who look like me. He's probably thinking about someone else." Jane continued. Eddie sighed again.
"Jane, he described you perfectly, down to the freckle! It's you!" Eddie groaned.
"It can't be." Jane whispered.
"When's he arriving?" Eddie asked.
"Tomorrow." Jane mumbled, fiddling with her thumbs.

*time skip*

Jane took a deep breath, continuing her mad pacing. It was Friday, and she'd been waiting for Richie to arrive for three hours. She bit her finger, staring at the empty blue house a few houses away.
Black unruly hair, brown eyes, big buggy glasses, freckled pale skin
She shook her head, forcing the image out. It wasn't him. It couldn't be.
It couldn't be.
She plopped onto the ground, trying to force her body to calm down.
Deep breaths Jane, in, and out.
She glared at herself inwardly and started fiddling with her hands again. The sound of tires appeared in the distance and Jane's head shot up immediately. Sure enough, a black car was coming slowly down her road. She stood, her fiddling increasing as she slowly took steps towards the now parked car. Two adults, his parents obviously, climbed out of the car and headed to the house, walking into it and out of sight. Then, Richie hopped out, humming a jaunty tune and looking around. He froze when he saw Jane. She stopped, immobilized.
Black unruly hair, brown eyes, big buggy glasses, freckled pale skin
"Jane?" He mumbled. She nodded, tears falling down slowly. He laughed breathily and ran up to her, picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed and started hitting him playfully, shouting "Put me down!!"
He laughed and put her down reluctantly, but he kept her close to him.
"Wow. So this is it huh?" He mumbled, grinning wildly.
"Hey!" She slapped him gently on his arm, smiling stupidly as well.
"No no, I just meant this is it for me. This whole future." He said.
"Is that...scary? Or bad?" Jane asked worriedly.
"I've never felt so sure or comfortable with something in my whole life." Richie explained. "You are it for me. You're all I want in life." He presses his forehead on hers. She smiled and leaned in closer.
"You're all I want too Rich. But is that silly? We're just kids..." Jane mumbled. Richie lifted her chin up.
"That's what's so great about it. How lucky are we that we have all we need in life already?! Now, I believe you had a certain thing tonight with a certain handsome fellow?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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