Details, details

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Where you learn details about how you and your soulmate meet at random points in your life

At age 13, Jane met her soulmate.
At age 8, she knew she would meet him at the quarry.
At age 5, she knew she'd be running from Bowers

She knew other, more insignificant things, like how she would be wearing that pastel yellow sweater, and how she would get a bruise on her forehead. But that didn't matter to her.

At age 13, Jane was not ready to meet her soulmate.

She was too nervous, too scared of what might happen if Bowers caught her. If you weren't in his gang, you were dead meat.

What could she do???

Jane woke up and sighed.

Today. I meet him today.

She decided that she would do absolutely everything in her power to NOT meet her soulmate today. It just wasn't worth it. She walked to her closet, determined to wear anything but her yellow sweater. She ended up choosing a lavender pair of overalls (they were the skirt kind) and a light pink shirt. She smiled and sat on her bed, opening up her notebook to try and maybe write a few songs before she settled down to a nice long day at home. Just as she started writing her stepmother burst in the door.
"Darling, would you be a dear and go to the store for me? I need some more makeup. I made a list already, just some necessities." She smiled and handed Jane a neatly folded piece of paper. Jane turned white.
"Um, Mother, could I maybe stay home today? I-I don't feel so good." She clutched her stomach, grimacing. It technically wasn't a lie, the idea of leaving the safety of her room made her feel dizzy. Her stepmother frowned.
"Does it look like I fucking care?! Go buy my damn makeup you ungrateful bitch." Her stepmother yelled as she slammed the list next to Jane, who flinched and squeezed her eyes shut in terror. When she pried her eyes open her mom was gone. She sighed and grabbed the list, shoving it in her shoulder bag. She pulled on her converse and quietly headed downstairs. Her stepmother was waiting at the bottom, a pleasant smile plastered on her face. Jane breathed deep and steady and gripped the banister tightly.
"Here is the money you'll need. And wear a sweater, it's rather chilly outside." Her stepmother said, handing her the money and walking away, her heels clicking. Jane sighed again.
Five bucks says my yellow sweater is the only clean one.
Sure enough, when she opened her closet doors she found her yellow sweater only. It glared at her. She glared back.
"Fine. I'll take you. But I'm not happy about it." She huffed and grabbed it. Stuffing it in her shoulder bag and heading downstairs again. She walked down the stairs and headed down the hallway.
Just a little farther
"Where's your sweater?" Her stepmother asked, swiftly crossing over to stand in front of her.
"I-in my bag." She whispered, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Put it on." Her stepmother demanded.
"D-do I have to?"
"Put. It. On."
Jane sighed and dropped her bag, pulling out the sweater. She shakily lifted it and put it on over her overalls, and pulled her ponytail through it. Her stepmother smiled.
"There. Now you won't be cold!" Her stepmother giggled and left. Jane stood there, frozen for a few moments before she bolted outside, tears welling up in her eyes. She ran out into the sunlight, pausing to let the warmth of the sun flow over her. She sniffed, looking up at the sky. There were few clouds, mostly just the clear blue sky. Her favorite kind of sky.
It's alright beautiful. Today could be a great day! Nature seemed to say to her. She sighed and looked at a nearby tree, swaying gently in the wind.
"I sure hope so."

*time skip to the store*

Jane walked in feeling triumphant. She had succeeded in getting to the store without being seen by Bowers.
Maybe today will be a good day.
She smiled and pulled out her mom's list. She opened it and immediately sighed. It was almost as long as her forearm.
Necessities my ass
She groaned quietly and made her way to the beauty aisle. She quickly grabbed the items she needed, almost filling the basket when she was done. She walked towards the check out counter and internally groaned. Greta was working the checkout today. She rolled her eyes and put on a fake smile, walking up to her.
"Well well well if it isn't the princess. Buying some more makeup to cover your face? Sorry but makeup can't fix ugly." Greta sneered.
"Is that why your face always looks like that?" Jane smiled. Greta frowned.
"What do you want princess?" She sighed. Jane rolled her eyes.
"A life size poster of Michael Jackson (a/n RIP). I want to buy the makeup dumbass." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Shut the fuck up and hand me the basket then bitch." Greta growled. Jane glared at her as she handed up the basket. Greta began checking the items out.
"Shit did you grab the entire makeup aisle princess?!" She asked, pulling item after item from the basket.
"If I'm a princess does that make you the dragon?" Jane spat. "Besides it's all for my mom." She explained.
"Did I ask?" Greta snapped. She held out her hand.
"That'll be $25." She said. Jane opened her bag and pulled out the money and handed it over. Greta swiped it out of her hand quickly and pushed it in the money drawer. Then she handed Jane the bag of makeup.
"Bye bye princess. Hope you step on a nail." Greta smiled.
"Walk of the edge of a cliff." Jane smiled and flipped her off as she exited the store. She sighed deeply.
Time to go home
She started walking home slowly, dreading the idea of being home. Jane had all but forgotten about meeting her soulmate, until

"Hey gorgeous."

An arm shot out of the alley on her right, pulling her in and slamming her against the hard brick wall.
"How ya doin little lady?" Patrick sneered from beside him. Jane turned her head left and right. Victor was holding her left arm, Belch had her right and Henry had his hands pinned on either side of her head. Patrick peeked out between Victor and Henry.
"Let me go! Please please Henry let me go." She begged. He shook his head.
"Nah, I'd like to have some fun today. What say you and I go on a little drive?" He asked, tracing his switchblade across her jawline. She gulped, closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. Then she popped her eyes open and smiled.
"Okay!" She said enthusiastically. Henry frowned.
"Really?" Belch asked. She nodded.
"Sure! Where to? The movies? The diner?" She asked, smiling brightly.
Wait for the right moment
Henry glanced at his peers.
"How about....the barrens?" He smirked. She frowned, confused.
Why would he want to go to the barrens?
"Um, sure! Why not." She smiled again and laced her fingers into Henry's.
"Lead the way." She said confidently. He smiled and pulled her along. On the outside, she smiled and averted her eyes whenever the boys would do something mean. But on the inside she was a bubbling mess of questions.
Why the barrens?
What were the barrens?
How long should I wait to leave?
How long will this go on?
Can I do this????
They walked out of the city and into the woods, approaching a river.
"Henry, what are we doing here." Jane asked seriously, nervous.
"Something fun." He replied. "Wait here."
"Wait. Here." He snarled, walking to the river with his gang. Jane hid behind a tree and peaked out, trying to see through the trees and bushes, but to no avail.
She smacked herself lightly and turned, starting to run off towards safety, but bumped into something. She groaned and rubbed her forehead, a bruise forming there.
Running from Henry
Yellow sweater
She popped her eyes open and sure enough, there was a boy sitting up, rubbing his temple.
"Fuck...that's gonna leave a mark..." he rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses and looked at her. His eyes widened.
"Um, sorry but if you wanna live we should probably run." She mumbled, hearing footsteps running towards them. He swiveled to glance behind him before standing up. He helped Jane up and grabbed her hand, leading her away. They ran through the forest quickly, eventually to a giant quarry.
"Where are we going?" She asked. He stopped abruptly.
"Do you trust me?" He asked, his big brown eyes bore into hers.
He sighed.
"Will. You. Trust me." He asked once again, silently pleading. She looked to the forest where Bowers and his gang approached quickly. Then back at him.
He sighed with relief.
"Good." He gripped her hand tightly and pulled her to the edge of the cliff.
"One, two-"
Oh fuck
They jumped off the edge. She gripped his hand and clamped her mouth shut, bracing for impact. When she hit the water, she lost the boy's hand. She began to panic.
Help! Help I can't swim!
She couldn't see or breathe or feel anything but water. Then a pair of hands grabbed her and lifted her up. Her head popped out of the water and she gasped and coughed.
"Woah, take it easy chic! C'mere I've got you." The boy said. She latched on to him. He swam them both to the shore. She climbed onto the rocks and helped pull him in. He gasped, sitting with his feet in the water, catching his breath. She sat beside him.
"S-sorry." She panted.
"S'okay. How come y-you don't know how to swim?" He asked, pushing his glasses up. She shrugged.
"It's not ladylike. So my mom never taught me." 
He nodded, understanding.
"So, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what the fuck were you doing in the woods?!" He asked. She couldn't help but giggle.
"Long story." She smiled softly. He smiled back.
"I got time." He said.

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