Chapter 7: 1799

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Lya hated New York, mostly because she was always there to sign someone's death sentence but she still wouldn't like the city anyways. She never did like busy place and always tried to avoid them if possible. This trip to New York was different.

She'd gone into a bar for a quick drink and to see if she could find anyone dumb enough to make a deal with the devil, when suddenly she has original vampires surrounding. Rolling her eyes she took a sip of her drink.

"Hello old friends" Lya said setting the glass and turning to face them. "To what do I owe the displeasure."

"Someone's gotten rather full of themselves in the past 115 years" Rebekah said and the redhead smirked.

"Still haven't caught up to any of you" Lya said standing up straight. "Now if you don't mind I'd rather not do this in public" she snapped her fingers and they were transport to a field outside the city. "Much better."

"How the hell did you do that" Rebekah asked

"Cambion Witch, remember" Lya said "none either tell me what you want our I'm going back to hell. Which I'd prefer not doing."

"Then why work for hell" Elijah asked "you could have just come home to us."

"I work from hell because till Lilith dies to start the apocalypse she is in control of my life" Lya said "and if I go against her, she will feed me to the dogs and I'd be stuck in hell for all eternity. Which doesn't sound all that fun."

"And why is this demon in control of your life" Klaus asked

"When I did the spell that made me immortal I didn't know I was half-demon" Lya explained "Lilith decided to save me since I'm the daughter of Cain, the first murder and a Knight of Hell but I did have to give her my soul. My loophole was working for her till the apocalypse starts. Plus I only have to get her minimum of three souls a year. The rest of the time I just seeing how stupid humans can be."

"Sounds like fun" Rebekah said

"Oh no it sucks" Lya said "I hate it but I currently just got of damning souls to hell so if I suddenly drop back to only delivering three souls a year Lilith will not be happy."

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