Chapter 22: 2009 - Part 3

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Lya didn't go back to Sam and Dean after the discovery of her pregnancy. Instead she had Marcel go and tell them that Lilith made her human and that his witch friend, Davina Claire, make sure Lya was stable. Marcel end up having to compel them into believing that Lya was okay to get them to leave.

Three months past, before Lya came to terms with the fact that she was going to die. After that she decided it was time to tell Sam about the child. So after convincing Marcel she'd be okay on her own, Lya had to Bobby's house and got him to call the boys.

"Bobby, what's wrong" Dean asked as he and Sam entered the house only for Bobby to tell them to be quiet.

"Be quite you two" Bobby told him pointing to Lya's sleeping from on his couch. "If you wake her she's liable to kill you."

For the next hour the boys and Bobby keep quiet. Sam mostly watched as Lya slept, while Dean tried to get answers out of Bobby.

"Do you at least know why she hasn't called" Dean asked.

"Because I'm dying" Lya said entering the room.

"What do you mean your dying" Sam asked stepping closer to her and Lya stepped back.

"Lilith was able to use me to break two of the seals" Lya explained "the first was making me human, which won't kill me. The second one however will."

"What's the second one" Dean asked and Lya glanced down at her three month pregnant belly.

"Creating a human-vampire hybrid" Lya said "luckily for her, I just happened to be early enough in my pregnancy for her to do so to my...mine and Sam's child."

"You and Sammy" Dean said "had...and you are...and haven't you to ever heard of protection!"

"Dean, how about we give your brother and Lya a moment to talk" Bobby said ushering the older Winchester out of the room.

"So your..." Sam said and Lya nodded knowing what he was going to say. "And I'm going to be a..."

"Father" Lya cut him off. Silence fall between them as Sam sorted his thoughts.

"Wow" Sam said sitting down. "When are you do?"

"Davina says around December 25" Lya told him. "She offered to tell me the gender as well but I refused."

"Why?" Sam asked

"I'm from 1665" Lya said "when he had  wait the whole nine months to learn if a baby was a boy or girl."

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