Chapter 24: 2009 - Part 5

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Lya know she would die in child birth. What she hadn't be expecting was the breaking of every bone in her body before the witches that kidnapped Lya had to cut the baby out of her, so they could sacrifice it.

"It's a girl" one witch said

"Please can I hold her, just once" Lya asked and the witch placed the baby on Lya's chest before it bite into her flesh and drained her of what remained of her blood.

"Come sisters" the lead witch said take the baby way "the moon will be at peak in few hours. We most prepare."
Hours later Lya gasped awake and looked around. Instantly everything came flooding back, childbirth, her daughter killing her, all of it just came flooding in. She remembers in 1978 having her memory wiped by Michael because she knew about the future. Then she realized how she was still alive. She died with the babies blood inside her.

With seconds Lya was up and outside. It was still dark out so the sun wouldn't killer after she finished the transition by killing the witches. Once she found the witches she drained each of their blood before picking her daughter up out of the bassinet.

"Hi Maren" she hummed bouncing the sleeping baby in her arms. "How about we get you home to see dad, while I call your uncle Damon and have him get me a daylight ring."
"Oh thank God" Sam said when Lya knocked on the door and quickly handed the baby over. "Your not coming in?"

"Kind a can't" Lya said "I suppose to be dead remember but our daughter is half vampire so her blood turned me."

"Well then get in here girl" Bobby invited her into his home "just don't kill any of us or I'll stake you myself."

"What happened?" Dean asked as Lya grabbed the beer from his hand.

"Witch are a pain in the ass" was all Lya said before downing the beer. "Their dead now but still in what world is sacrificing a innocent little baby to maybe kill Lucifer okay? Anyways I have to call Damon see if he can get Stefan to get Elena to get Bonnie to make me a daylight ring."

As she left the room she kissed her daughter's head.

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