Chapter 14: 1901

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Come 1901 Lya MacLeod was hanging out with Damon Salvatore in a small town called Beacon Hills. Beacon Hills was a beacon for the supernatural, said so in the name, so it was no surprise that the vampire and the Cambion Witch had been drain there. The pair had spent the past year together in the small town and Lya had grown to like Damon more then his brother, Lexi, or any of the Mikaelsons.

Damon was fun, kinda like Katherine just not as villianous. Damon didn't give her judgemental looks well she tricked some poor bastard into selling her his soul. He actually seemed to enjoy watching her do her job. Plus the boy know how to party.

"Someone's looking ravashing this even" Damon taking Lya's arm as she entered the mayor's house for the founding of Beacon Hills ball.

"Why, Mr. Salvatore if I didn't know any better I'd believe you were trying to suduce me" Lya said.

"I'd never, Miss MacLeod" Damon said "after all your a taken woman."

"Mr Salvatore, Miss MacLeod, it's so lovely that you made it." The mayor's wife, Cassandra Martin greeted them. "I hope you have a wonderful evening."

"You too, Mrs. Martin" the pair said as she left.

"So who here should be my dinner" Damon asked and Lya looked around the ball room.

"I think" Lya hummed spotting a pretty little blond in her late teens or so. "That one.

•°•°•°•Meanwhile In New Orleans•°•°•°•
Rebekah jumped back as Kol jammed the dagger that had formerly been in his chest in to Klaus. The blond then looked over to Elijah who shugged before Rebekah looked back at her other brothers.

"Be happy that's all I did" Kol said "Now I'm going to go and then find my darling, Lya. She is around here right."

"Actually no" Elijah said looking over to Rebekah and Marcel. "Sister, where did our little witch say she was going?"

"I'm not sure" Rebekah said noticing Klaus had vanished from the room "Where'd Nik, go."

•°•°•°•Back in Beacon Hills•°•°•°•
"That one" Klaus heard Lya tell the man with dark hair who her arm was intertwined with. The man quickly vanished at vampiric speed leaving Lya alone.

"Hello Love" Klaus said causing Lya to almost drop her drink. "I think it's time you came home."

"And why would I do that, Nik" Lya asked "when I'm having so much fun here."

"Because Kol's awake" Klaus informed her "and I'm willing to bet he'd go on a murderous rampage just to find his darling little Lyandra."

"Fine give me a minute" Lya said heading off to find her friend. Minutes later she returned to Klaus. "Let's go."

•°•°•°•New Orleans Once again•°•°•°•
"You next time how about I just teleport us back" Kol heard Lya shouting at his brother before he saw the pair enter the house. Within second he had his arms wrapped around her and spun her around before kissing her.

"Oh get a room" Klaus said walking past the lovebirds. "or go distgust some other vampires."

"If you didn't want see me kissing your brother then should have left the dagger in him" Lya shouted after the Original Hybrid before turning back to Kol. "I've missed you, my love"

"I've missed you as well, darling" Kol said planting another kiss on her lips.

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