Chapter 9: 1821 - Part 1

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Lya enter the Mikaelsons house just in time to see Marcel fleeing the living room. After making sure the young Mikaelson ward was okay she made her way to the living room to see what was going on.

"Niklaus, you didn't" Elijah said as Lya stood in the doorway going unnoticed by the brothers. In Klaus' hand was one of the silver daggers he'd use on his siblings when they angered him. "Please tell me you didn't wake Kol."

"Oh but I did" Klaus said

"You woke the homacidal maniac that probably wants to kill me" Lya shouted announcing her presence. The two brothers looked back at the witch in surprise. "You could have warned me before you did something stupid."

"Oh I don't think he's going to kill" Klaus said looking back at Elijah. "Come along brother, Lya, let's go check on Kol"
Lya was the last to step outside. She stayed safely inside till she was sure Kol wasn't going to lash out at one of his brothers. Stepping into the light she brushed a stranded of red hair from eyes and looked at the bodies before she glanced up at the brunette man.

"Darling" Kol said sounding slightly bitter towards. "Not going to hex me again are you?"

"Please I could do much worse to you then a simple little hex" Lya said crossing her arms and flashing her black demon eyes at him.

"Lyandra" Elijah said

"Oh come on, I'm teasing" Lya said "harming one of you originals would upset Lilith who have me ripped to shreds by hellhounds and like I told you years ago I prefer to not be killed by the hounds of hell."

"Why are you here again, Lya" Klaus asked

"Oh right" Lya said "Where's Rebekah?"

"Her room" Klaus said and the Cambion Witch vanished. "She needs to stop doing that."

"Just be happy she stopped randomly appearing in the house" Elijah said.

"So when did our little witch return home" Kol asked

"Don't get any ideas brother" Elijah said "or she'll dagger you herself."
"Kol wipe your mouth" Lya order when the youngest Mikaelson brother walked past her open door.

"Since when did you get so bossy" Kol said wipping the blood from his mouth before leaning against the door frame.

"I always have been. Now leave" Lya said and Kol looked at here in shock. Years ago she would have never sent him away and now here she was not wanting anything to with him.

"Since when do you hate me" Kol asked stepping into her room

"Hates a strong word" Lya told him "I prefer distrust because I don't trust homicidal maniacs such as yourself."

"From what I hear your not much better than me" Kol said stepping closer to her causing Lya step back into the wall.

"I guess it's in both our natures" she whispered looking up at him as Kol ow made it impossible for her to escape with out teleporting. The funny thing was she didn't want to escape for some reason all her old feelings for him came bubbling to the surface. Then she remembered who he was supposed to be to her. "Kol, we can't do this."

"I know" he told her "it's wrong that I feel this way. It's wrong that want this. I mean I helped raise you, I should see as a niece or a daughter or even a bloody sister" Lya placed her hands against his chest and he quickly glanced down at them "but at the end of the day I can't help but be attracted to you."

"Fuck it" Lya said giving in to the temptation and kissing the original in front of her. With a flick of her wrist the door to her room slammed shut and Kol quickly hoisted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist before dropping her onto the bed.

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