Chapter 3

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Marianne's POV

The day has finally come!

First day of school of first year students in Loquin Academy.

As a reincarnated person, I knew what will happen. Today, Xylia will prank all new teachers and students.

And since I knew, I will definitely avoid it!

No one can spot her secret prank plan. If I have to say as a player of the game, she likes to play dirty a lot.

And what's worse the spell she cast on the heroine is [ Exposing one's secret ] spell! If it were the original heroine, it's okay...

But, if I suddenly yelled that heroine of the game and I plan to make everyone bow down before me, anyone will not befriend with me!

That's not the only thing I have to do. I have to see if the villain is a reincarnated person since in it's normal in a otome game based story for the heroine to be a bitch, which I admitted I am a little like that, and the villain/rival to be either a dense or smart character.

The main villain of the story is none other than Xylia. But in order to be stronger, I have to train myself under her training. All of her dirty tricks became useful in the end.

But I am worried the most is the villainess, Zwei. Although she isn't like Xylia, who's personality is the worst human, Zwei's personality is very contradicted.

She is very jealous on Marianne's talent that's why she purposely bully her secretly behind the scene. She makes it look like Xylia's prank. Even if she is like that, she acts like a good student on other people.

I just hope the villainess won't try to kill me! Please let her be a good reincarnator! I rather have a good villainess than the original! I will take over this world as it's most powerful magus!

Once I cross that gate, I will have to cancel the magic that Xylia placed on me. No matter what, I have to cancel it!

I walk over the gate. I didn't felt any magic placed in me but I knew there is one. I silently break the magic. 

I felt my body was relaxed as soon as I completed casting the magic. With this, I will not humiliated! 

This is my first step in ruling the world! I'll make sure I will befriend the powerful ones and suck up their knowledge just for my greed!

I will even act innocently just to get the heart of the capture targets in order for them to give me their secrets on learning!

Once I kill Xylia, I will rule the world with my power! I will have everything I want!

Zwei's POV

This is like high school. 

My name is Zwei but my past life is Reika Cadag. But still, my main personality is still Zwei with a mix of Reika's knowledge. That's why I am wiser than the old me. I'm not like the old Zwei who bullies every people who has much more talent than her.

But I have one objective for coming in this school.

That is to kill Xylia, who suffered my family and killed them in the original game. But even though it's just a game, seeing and hearing them scream makes my blood boil.

I will Xylia, the traitor. She is just nothing but a two face woman who fakes herself as good person! I will kill her myself! 

There on the stage she walks, talking, pretending to be on the good side. 

"Good day to you, students of Loquin Academy. I'm  Xylia E. Haldane, adviser of Class 1-3 and sword instructor for all 1st year students.I hope another peaceful year in this academy. So good luck to all hard work you will make!" a smile like elegant lady that makes all boys fall for her.

Even if she is wearing a mask, everyone can see her beauty.

I look at the second and third year students reactions. They look at us, 1st years, with pity as if we met a disaster. Some of them are smiling on seeing show. While the poor 1st year students are brimming with hope.

Xylia devised a pranking to whole 1st year students and new teachers. 

But the only one who is able to escape it are the three previous game characters and disciple of Xylia. Mike, Jeanne, Theresa and Luke.

From the looks of it, Xylia isn't a reincarnated person. I have to kill her in order to protect my family.

Xylia grins and chaos run to this auditorium.

Some 1st year students are naked, some are dancing hilariously, some are acting like an animal, some are spilling their darkest secret.

The new teachers started to go berserk with embarrassing costumes. Some of them started acting like a gay, kissing the floor and etc.

But I noticed something. The heroine, Marianne, just watched all of this. This is unlike the game. Because, all 1st year students were humiliated.

Our eyes met. We knew that both of us are reincarnated.

I take away my eyes off her and look at Xylia. She is grinning a lot. She noticed that I and Marianne didn't fall on her prank.

"I am all disappointed on all of you, new teachers and new first year students. To think you didn't even see a bit of this, how untrained are all of you. But, 4 of the new teacher and 2 of the 1st year students seems to notice or luckily escape from this. Then again, I hope we all enjoy this year, my dear students" she mockingly smiled to all of us. 

All students began to dread on what will happen in the future. Under this woman, they will experience humiliating things from her.

She is enjoying this. She is not a teacher who tries to relax students! She is just enjoying the pain of others!

This girl only knew to satisfy her desire! I will kill her! I will make sure she will repay to what she did to my family!

Her eyes slowly move at my direction until her met my eyes. 

A gentle smile appear on her face. 

I know she sensed a killing intent from me. But I don't care.

I will make sure that I will learn a lot from you, Xylia-sensei and make sure you will die on my hands.

So don't die on someone else's hands, sensei

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