Chapter 5

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Guys! It will be just a few more chapters until Miki's real identity is revealed!


Marianne's POV

Ahhh!! Just being called by the crafty villain made me sick. What should I do if she knew my intentions? What if she has a knowledge of this game?!

It's all that Zwei's fault! If it wasn't for the fact that I trained earlier than any other kids in the forest, I would have not notice her malicious intent towards her.

If I noticed it then Xylia would definitely notice it! She has been in the battlefield for a consecutive of three years without any rest.

Finally in her office, Xylia looked at us with a smiling expression.

No one will really know her intent if she always wear that face! An expressionless person can be easily read if there is a slight change in their face. Damn! Just be an expressionless person rather than be like that! You are much more scarier if you have a smile in your face when you kill!


"I'm sorry for calling you when you should leave already. I just wanted to question how did you avoid it"

What should I do? She is seizing us! 

I looked at Zwei who is very calm in this situation.

"Like what you said earlier sensei, I brought protection charms in case if something went wrong. I always want myself to be prepared to any situation"

"I-I too did that"

I seconded Zwei's explanation. 

D*mn she is just too good at situation like this. I am the opposite, I'm good at situation when I knew what will happen. I can be crafty too.

"Eh~ Is that so~~? Then why are you looking at me with a malicious intent, Zwei~? I noticed that you look at me like that since the very beginning when not even once I have met you~"


Even without hearing it, I can clearly imagine that Zwei's heart had been exposed. 

I, too, wanted to know why she hates Xylia when she has done nothing wrong with her. If it's about the game where Xylia killed her family, it is just a game. Seriously, that's how the creators made that way. Don't push all the hatred to her.

Or does the Haldane killed one of her family in this world? And because of that she hates her?

I can feel that this girl is full of vengeance. I could make use of that.

This girl would definitely want an ordinary life. I could help her kill Xylia and I will take the honor! 

Nice idea me!

I was then dragged back to reality when I see that Zwei is not answering. Xylia sighed and smiled.

"It is bad if you have contempt with me. If you cannot still tell now, I am always free to be told anytime. I have a request, can you send this to Celia-sensei? Arigatou" she gave a bunch of papers to us and was thrown out her office.

She just passed the job to us when we don't even know who is Celia!? There is really something wrong with this teacher!

I knocked and open the door only to found out that d*mn Xylia is not there anymore. 

Don't tell me she passed us this in order to be replaced by the failed prank on us?! 

Ughh... I have to ask the other teachers where is this Celia until I can finally talk alone with Zwei. It was long since teachers are preparing a newcomer's party for the new teachers. Sadly, students are not allowed to be there.

It's good that based on the otome game, me and Zwei are roommates. Each room has 2 person within.

I just wish that she is good to me cause if not, I will definitely curse my life.

Finally finished with the task, we went to our room. Our package are already there and only needed to be fixed by us.

But before that, we will discuss first a very important topic.

"So we are both reincarnators?" Zwei asked with a serious face.

I just remembered that why are the reincarnated heroine and villainess are fighting each other when they are both reincarnated? Comrades should help together! 

Even if there is a bitchy heroine and kind villainess, they should at least talk. If the villainess really wants no harem they should talk to the heroine for the future plans. Not wanting a harem yet harem is so lame. If I say something, I say the villainess is so dumb that the non-harem yet having a peaceful life plan is just having a harem and crazy lifestyle.

"I am a very famous high school student with a slight game addict! I died because someone is very jealous of me and pushed me off the stairs. I usually not play games like this but after being recommended by my friends and playing it, I started to like it! It's an otome game but it is full of mystery and RPG like game!" I started to blurt out my fanatics on her.

I just cannot be happy to have a person the same as me. I have topics I wanted to talk about but can't since I'm in a different world.

"I am normal high school girl who got addicted to this game. Our school is near from roads of truck, I diedby saving a child from a truck like a traditional setting where a truck sent you to another world. Believe me, I am too shock when I woke up with a sudden urge of my past life memories. Even if I am a reincarnated person, I still retain my original personality but the difference is that I got wiser than before"

Ehhh~~ So that's why she show this mature aura... Maybe she is a loner from previous life or she learned the consequences of her actions~~

So truck-sama attacked her and sent into this world~

Truck-sama has striked again! Ah... I just realized that I'm scared of trucks right now.

But did she say she is the type who remembers when they are a child?

"Eh? You didn't have your memories when you were a kid? I thought you did since I did..."

Her face was shock when she heard my sentence.

"When I was 5 years old, I remembered my past life. But you remembered the moment you were born? That's strange..."

"Let's go different topic. We won't solve it no matter what since we don't have the power of reincarnation" I said as I change the topic since it's useless no matter what. 

Zwei nodded to express her answer.

Finally I can ask the question I wanted to ask.

"It's only a previous question asked by Xylia. Why did you hate Xylia when she still hasn't done anything to you? You cannot hate her that badly because of the game, right?"

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