Chapter 10

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Third Person's POV

Surprised by the crash, they immediately observed the newly arrived woman. 

The woman suddenly killed the demon and immediately run towards to Xylia and pointed her sword towards her.

All of them were shock by her actions. Especially because Xylia is the one who was pointed on. 


That's the name that Xylia called for her. Yet that's not the only surprise. Xylia and Xyrine both look exactly the same except for the outfit and the hairstyle.

They cannot help but exclaim that they might be twins in their heart. The cool yet fiery Xyrine who has black hair and blue eyes, and energetic mischief maker Xylia whose hair is white as snow and blue eyes.

"Xyrine! What's with the weird greeting~? Even if we are both on the opposite faction, you cannot just try to kill a family member"

"Stop the act. Seeing some blood will make you go crazy, I have to stop you before you kill anyone here"

"Hehehe..... As expected of you, you know me so well. Just seeing the demon's blood made me go crazy. I wish you didn't killed it. I wanted to torture it slowly that the pain is worse than hell and make sure that each torture will be worse than the other. I don't care if it has nothing to do with me. Just seeing its blood activated my bloodlust. Aahh~ I can't wait to torture it"

Their conversations first started from a crazy but light atmosphere to shamelessly crazy dark atmosphere.

But Xylia's words are expected to some experts that knew her. Some of them had battled with her a few years ago and felt the craziness of her urge in killing.

Just seeing blood can made her crazy. Innocent or not, she will have the urge to kill it.

And thanks to that, just sending her alone in the battlefield is enough to send a a large army of soldiers who are expert in the battlefield.

She really deserved the title of [ Bloodthirsty Queen ]

Meanwhile, Xyrine, is a calm but at the same time, an aggressive person. Knowing that Xylia had already seen the blood, she immediately rush out and pointed her sword to Xylia.

Yet that wasn't only the surprising fact.

Xylia just said that they are a family member then that means this girl is also a Haldane? Could it be that they are twins? But no matter how one will look, Xyrine has a great killing intent on Xylia. They don't know what's Xylia's thinking since she is still cheerfully smiling as if the attack is just normal for her which it is. 

"Don't worry, don't worry. I won't go out of control. Anyway! You should go and do whatever mission whatever you got! Hear use my ID to get out. The only thing you have to do is change your hair white and make it neater and you'll look like me!" Xylia said with a soft voice that the who could hear is the one who are near on her, which is: Xyrine, Gilbert, Jeanne, Theresa, and Lucas.

The word 'mission' means that Xyrine is a Haldane and that they really are twins.

And this gave them a more accurate answer because of how they both dressed themselves. Xylia wore western clothes that gave off vibes of a strong yet cool woman while Xyrine wore eastern clothes that gave off a calm and elegant clothing.

Killing intent... Two different types of clothes.... Mission....

Everybody in the world knows that the Haldane is split into two factions. One is a western faction which is in-charge of political and war affairs, and eastern faction which motives are unknown.

The two faction clearly despised each other because of their different way of method of using magic. In the eastern faction, they used papers, ceremonies, etc. as a way of using magic. Also, the eastern faction strangely contains people with black hair or with black eyes attributes for some strange reason.

Xylia is in the western faction while Xyrine is in the eastern faction. They are now more sure that this two are twins since not only because of those reason but also because of their names.

Xyrine then put down her sword and stared at Xylia's food.

"What's that?"

"Food, of course! Want one?"

"Sure! Whatever you eat is what I eat. What you don't is what I don't"

"Here! I'll give you quarter!"

"Why only quarter? Can I get half?"

"How shameless are you?! Be thankful that I am generous enough to give you quarter of it. If it weren't because of you stopping my bloodlust, I wouldn't give you any"

After some persuasions, Xyrine finally accepted it and leaved. She just decided to eat it as she do her other missions.

Yet some are still stunned on what just happened. There are too many happening just now and it just ended just like that?

Moreover, that woman just tried to kill Xylia and she is just shrugged it as if it is just normal. Then after giving something, that woman just calmed down and asked some of the food? And Xylia just accepted it as thanks? 

They couldn't help but shout in their minds to Xylia that woman is the reason why you started having a bloodlust.

They can't help but exclaim that they really are twins even with the contrasting personality. They still have the same attitude of being shameless. This is especially in the case of Xylia. They really wanted to tell her that she is more shameless than that woman!

"Gilbert-sensei, should we continue where we left off?" Xylia looked at Gilbert as if nothing just happened

Thankfully, Gilbert is completely used with her attitude. Most of the times, he has to stick with her in order to lessen her victims.

"Before continuing that, you should see your disciple is running towards you" Gilbert looked at Mike who is running towards to Xylia with an angry expression.

Still, she ignored it and used magic to smack him down.

"For me, that doesn't matter. Revenge is revenge, it is one of my priorities. Don't try to get away from it, Gilbert-sensei"

A creepy atmosphere suddenly formed. But instead of fear, everyone can feel that Xylia is very excited. 

"You and your shameless tactics... You really love using your power"

"Hehehe... Fine, fine, I'll let it off if you become my substitute teacher for tomorrow. I have something to do"

"Can't, your and my schedule overlaps."

"Then let someone substitute them. Among the teachers I knew and respected, you are the one who fitted the criteria"

"You're just bullying me. "

"Hehehe... just do it, or I'll threaten you" 

Unable to do anything, Gilbert finally resigned himself and talk to another teacher. Everyone cannot help but glad that he is here to calm the crazy berserker, Xylia.

Xylia turned around to Theresa's group. As much as they wanted to stay low, they cannot help but shine on the eyes of Xylia.

"Can I call you with your first names? Lucas-kun, Jeanne-san and Theresa-chan, after the party ends, can I talk with you personally?"

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