Random Fact

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Lagu terakhir yang direquest Mike ketika quiz di cafe, lagu yang Al tahu dan hapal liriknya tapi tidak dijawab, judulnya adalah "Bird Dog".
Berikut lirik lagunya:

"Bird Dog"

Johnny is a joker
(he's a bird)
A very funny joker
(he's a bird)
But when he jokes my honey
(he's adog)
His jokin' ain't so funny
(what a dog)
Johnny is a joker that's a-tryin' to steal my baby
(he's a bird dog)

Johnny sings a love song
(like a bird)
He sings the sweetest love song
(ya ever heard)
But when he sings to my gal
(what a howl)
To me he's just a wolf dog
(on the prowl)
Johnny wants to fly away and puppy-love my baby
(he's a bird dog)

Hey, bird dog get away from my quail
Hey, bird dog you're on the wrong trail
Bird dog you better leave my lovey-dove alone

Hey, bird dog, get away from my chick
Hey, bird dog, you better get away quick
Bird dog you better find a chicken little of your own

Johnny kissed the teacher
(he's a bird)
He tiptoed up to reach her
(he's a bird)
Well he's the teachers pet now
(he's a dog)
What he wants he can get now
(what a dog)
He even made the teacher let him sit next to my baby
(he's a bird dog)

Hey, bird dog get away from my quail
Hey, bird dog you're on the wrong trail
Bird dog you better leave my lovey-dove alone

Hey, bird dog get away from my chick
Hey, bird dog you better get away quick
Bird dog you better find a chicken little of your own
He's bird……

Saya sempat ingin memasukkan part tentang lagu ini, tapi kelupaan. Baru ingat ini tadi pas baca ulang novelnya😅
Bagi saya pribadi ini adalah salah satu lagu kesukaan. Silahkan cari di google atau youtube ya kalau penasaran.
Lagu ini bagi saya cocok kalau saya lagi kumat mau gila-gilaan sendiri di depan kaca atau di kamar mandi.

*Please jangan dibayangkan, itu sensor full blur pastinya.

Salam penuh cinta selalu,

Yuu Serenity

NB: Secepatnya saya akan memosting cerita saya selanjutnya. Mungkin awal bulan depan atau akhir bulan ini. Nantikan dan mohon dukungannya ya. Terima kasih 😘

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