Chapter 1

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Let me go ahead and introduce myself, my name is Quinn Parker. I am twenty three years old moving from Palm Beach to Los Angles to pursue my dream of becoming a photographer. Both of my parents still live in Palm Beach and I have an older brother, Mark who lives in Austin, I haven't seen him since he moved about a year ago. He texts me sometimes to check in. My family isn't close and honestly my parents couldn't have cared any less about me moving. I rarely talk to them, I don't know why we don't have a better relationship. I am about five foot six with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. I am not a fitness freak but I do work out a couple of days a week to keep myself in shape. I am thin but curvy enough with C cup breasts and a nice round ass.

I have been single for about a year my ex, Jacob broke up with me so he could start dating my now ex best friend Lilly. I could try and be happy for them but they went behind my back and started messing around while Jacob and I were still together. I'm not going to lie the last three days made me realize how alone I am. I don't know anyone in L.A. so this will hopefully be an experience of a lifetime. I have been saving my money for the last three years working in coffee shops and restaurants so I could afford this move. This is my tell-all for what happens in my life in Los Angles.

I pull up to my new apartment building, Palm Gardens. It's privately owned so there are only four units in the building. I got really lucky, it's in a good area and it's affordable, well California affordable. I get out of the car and walk up the front steps to the small office on the first floor. When I walk in there are two people in the office a woman, name tag says Molly, and she doesn't even make eye contact with me. The other, a man, name tag says... well he isn't wearing one. He looks up at me from his desk and smiles and asks if I'm the new tenant.

I freeze for just a moment as I look into his ocean blue eyes and think to myself, holy shit he's hot, I start to feel my face flush a little bit but I manage to say "yes, I'm Quinn Parker."

"It's nice to meet you Quinn. I'm Patrick Sanders, let's get this paperwork started."

Ten signatures later we are going to see the apartment. I got the fourth floor unit and as we head up the stairs Patrick makes small talk with me. I'm not paying much attention to what he's saying because I can't stop staring at his ass, I mean it's really great. Plus, I can smell his cologne and it is fantastic. I did mention that I have been single for a year and I haven't had sex in even longer than that, it was probably due to the fact that my boyfriend was cheating on me.  We finally make it to the fourth floor and I can't tell if I'm winded because of the stairs or because I am so attracted to this six foot two dark haired blue eyed babe in front of me. Patrick opens the door and starts to show me around.

As we walk into the good sized master bathroom with the double sinks and walk in shower Patrick catches me looking a little too hard at him. He smiles and continues with whatever it was he was saying. Guys tend to like me, a lot, with very little effort so I'm very confident in myself. I can't stop picturing Patrick sweaty and naked between my thighs. I have a moment of pause considering how awkward it would be if Patrick turned me down and I had to see him on a regular basis.

That thought doesn't last long, I'm just going to go for it. But before I know it Patrick takes a few steps towards me, he's so close I can feel him holding his breath. I look up into his eyes and before I can say anything he leans down and kisses me gently. I unintentionally moan at the feeling, god I have missed human contact. I stand on my tiptoes so I can kiss him again a little harder this time.

That is all it takes for him to grab my face with both of his hands and start exploring my mouth with his tongue, my hands move and start unbuttoning his shirt as his move down my neck and chest to pull my tank top up over my head. His shirt and my shirt on the floor, he unhooks my bra as I undo his belt. He fumbles with my jeans so I just unbutton and unzip them myself.

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