Chapter 7

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The next morning when I wake up Sam isn't in bed but I smell coffee and bacon. I walk out and there is Sam cooking breakfast for me.

"Good morning my love," Sam says with a big smile.

"Good morning handsome. Cooking breakfast for me? I might never leave if you keep this up," I say teasingly.

"Perfect. Never leave." I help Sam set up the table and we sit down and eat. He is spoiling me and I definitely like it.

"Do you work today Quinn?"

"No, Wednesday is my day off from the bookstore."

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"

"Yea. Where?" I ask excitedly.

"You'll see. Go get ready."

I jump up and head to the bedroom. I pick out a little sundress to wear then go to the bathroom to put my make up on. My lips are a little puffy and the bruises on my arms are pretty dark and noticeable. I feel a knot in my stomach, but I take a deep breath and decide that nothing is going to bother me today.

I am ready about fifteen minutes later. When I walk out Sam sees me and just stares. I can tell how he feels about me. I want this man, I need this man. I walk over and pull Sam into me, I stand on my tiptoes so my lips can meet his. I feel his arms wrap around my back and hold me close to him. I don't think he realizes what I am doing. I want him now.

I start to pull him back towards the bedroom as we continue to kiss. I lift his shirt up over his head and pull at the button and zipper on his jeans. His fingers find the bottom of my dress and he quickly pulls it off of me then he unhooks my bra. Sam gently lowers me to the bed knowing my body is still sore.

Soon I feel his lips on my neck moving down to my left breast then down further to my stomach then thigh. Breathing heavy with anticipation as his tongue lightly rolls over my clit. It is like my body melts into the bed as he swirls his tongue over and over, he never once stops his tongue but I can feel his eyes on me. I look down and our eyes lock and that somehow makes every sensation more intense than before. My breathing erratic now and my back arching off the bed, Sam reaches around my thighs and grabs both of my hands in his as the first wave of my orgasm hits me.

He moves back up my body to kiss me, he is so wonderful. I don't know how else to explain how good this feels. Still kissing me I feel him move closer to me, I know he wants to be inside of me and I want it too.

"Go slow, please," I whisper to him, he is possibly the thickest I have ever seen.

He feels amazing as he gently pushes inside of me. Sam takes his time and I can feel his love for me pouring out of him. This is so pure so real. This is the first time I have ever made love. Sam's lips never seem to leave my body. He's so tender and affectionate. I have never felt so complete.

After a while we decide to get up and head out. Sam and I are good we are closer now than ever before. This is the best man I have ever met and I feel so full and loved. We get in Sam's car and drive for about an hour before pulling up to a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood.

"Ok, we are here" Sam said.

"Here?" I ask a little confused.

"Yea, my parents' house. I haven't seen my mom in a few weeks and she asked me to stop by."

"Sam why didn't you tell me?" I feel nervous now.

"There is something I want to ask you," Sam says quietly.

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