Chapter 13

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Time seems to pass slowly as I am so distracted by the full sensation and lack of satisfaction I am feeling. Yes, his tongue made me come but I want more. I need more. All this ass stuff has made me into a fiend. Sam leaves the tub first to go shower and I find my hand wanders down in between my thighs. My fingers find my still wanting clit and slowly start to tease it. My breathing deepens and my other hand makes its way down to my slit and I push two fingers inside of myself letting out a breathy gasp. With my hands working together I am almost at my peak, my hands start moving quicker and quicker and can't help but moan.

"So close," I whisper to myself.

"Quinn stop!" Sam shouts at me.

My eyes open and I see him standing at the edge of the tub wearing a navy blue suit with a grey button down. Damn, he looks good.

"Get out of the tub now," Sam says.

He reaches over and grabs my hand to help me out. I grab a towel off the chair and we walk inside.

"Sam I'm sorry. I can't help myself, I am crazy turned on when this thing is in me," I say apologetically.

"Did you come?"

"No. You stopped me right before I could," I say as my gaze shifts down to the floor.

"Drop the towel and come here," Sam says pointing to the dresser.

I bend over the dresser like I had before thinking he was going to take the plug out of me but he spanks me, hard. I jump from the surprise of the slap, it stings but it also feels good. He spanks me again and again. My cheek is red and burning but he keeps slapping me in the same spot. When he can tell I can't take anymore he turns me around and holds my face in his hands and smiles at me. I smile back.

This is a fun game. I was naughty and didn't listen to him so he punished me, I like being naughty. I lean in and kiss him hard and his tongue pushes into my mouth his body up against mine, I can feel his hardness up against my stomach. I reach down and start rubbing him through his pants but he stops me.

"Later. Go shower now we have to leave soon," he said leaning his forehead against mine.

"Ugh, fine," I say with a smile.

I take a quick shower and pick out a fitted white dress to wear. I go over to the dresser and bend over it again as I pull the dress up over my ass.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"Aren't you going to take that out of me?"

"I was but now you're going to wear it until we get back. Because you didn't listen to me," he says smiling at me.

I reach into the dresser for some panties but Sam stops me and shakes his head. I can't even tell you how sexy it is when he is bossy. Sam is the nicest sweetest guy who wants nothing more than to make me happy, but this side of him makes me licentious. I pull my dress back down and as we walk downstairs I feel my thighs are already slick from my wetness. A short drive later we are at a dock climbing onto a beautiful sailboat.

It is a beautiful evening, the air salty and cool the sun getting lower and lower in the sky. We sail for about half an hour before we stop and anchor, every once in a while Sam laughs at me as I squirm. Every wave we hit small or large moves the cold steel that is still buried deep inside of me. I am so turned on it is almost painful. Sam and I are served a beautiful meal of fresh seafood and vegetables. We sip local wine as the sun goes down. Sam gets quiet after dessert and he keeps shifting in his chair.

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