Chapter 3

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I don't see Patrick for a week or two. I hang out with Mel a few times and get together with my new coworkers from the club, they are all really nice. I have the part time job at the club taking photos of the live bands and crowd and sometimes the staff but that is mostly on the weekends. During the week I work part time at a bookstore, which is insanely boring but I don't make enough from the club to pay my bills unfortunately.

Patrick texts and calls me every day at least once but I haven't answered. I still don't know what I think.

Eventually, I cave and agree to see Patrick. He seems genuinely sorry, I think.

Patrick comes over one night and we sit on the couch and watch TV for a while, not really talking. I am fine not talking to him. Honestly, every time he talks he makes me question why I have him around. Patrick's hand is on my thigh squeezing it gently every once in a while. I know what he wants. I can still hear Mel in my head saying don't have sex with him, but she doesn't know how intoxicating he is.

He leans over and kisses me on the cheek, and then again. I push him back on to the sofa and without a word I straddle his lap and start kissing him more feverishly. I feel his hands wrap around my waist to pull me closer.

"Quinn I'm sorry about, Lucy, it won't happen again. I swear to you."

"Yea, sure. Whatever you say."

I reach down and start pulling his shirt up over his head then mine. Soon my bra is on the floor and I am grinding my hips into him as he sucks on my neck. I start to feel a little impatient so I stand up and pull my shorts and panties off as he does the same. I walk into the bathroom and grab a condom, I toss it at him when I am back in the living room.

"What? A condom? Why?" Patrick asks a little annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry didn't you just fuck your ex two weeks ago. I have no idea what you do in your free time and I don't want to know. You want to sleep with me you wear a condom from now on," I say firmly.

He reluctantly unwraps it and rolls it on.

I push him back onto the couch to straddle him again. Using the back of the couch for support I slowly lower myself onto him letting out a breathy moan.

I could hear a deep groan coming from his mouth once he fills me up completely. I don't even want to move he feels so good. Patrick grabs my face with one hand and kisses me with such lust I could burst right now. My hips start to move up and down rhythmically making sure that every inch of him gets some attention.

He stops kissing me once my hips start moving faster. I can tell he wants this as much as I do, but I don't really care how badly he wants this. Both of his hands on my hips now helping me ride him, my head thrown back moaning loudly. My orgasm is so near the anticipation is almost enough to make explode but right before I do Patrick breathes "don't come yet baby, not yet. Wait. Wait for me. I'm almost..."

"Oh, Patrick I'm coming. I'm coming," I scream.

But he isn't far behind me.

"Jesus....." he groans as he bursts.

Patrick and I continue on like this for a few months. We don't really do anything other than have sex. I don't talk to him about work or my friends because he seems to get jealous when I mention them. He doesn't really ask about them either. We have an odd relationship, if you can even call it a relationship. We definitely aren't a couple he is not my boyfriend. I don't want him to be my boyfriend.

I try to get together with Mel at least once a week but she is usually either busy studying for her exams or back in San Francisco with her family so we meet up when we can. Mel is single so she enjoys being out in places where she was admired. She keeps telling me that she doesn't want a relationship while she's still in school, which makes sense. I admire her focus and drive but sometimes she seems lonely. I can tell how hard she works, we have become close friends and she is like the sister I never had.

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