Chapter 4

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When we wake up the next morning I tell him to shower so I could change the sheets. Patrick gets out of the shower and I notice he is rock hard and just standing there dripping on the floor. I grab a towel and hand it to him. He smiles when he catches me glance at his dick.

My phone buzzes, "Damnit, I have to get ready for work".

"It's okay, I'll just take care of myself," he says with a wink and sexy smile.

I wash my face and brush my teeth then start my makeup. He stands in the doorway staring at me switching his focus from my breasts to my ass. I can see him stroking himself out of the corner of my eye. I am done in the bathroom so I go to walk past him into the bedroom but he grabs me before I am through the door.

"I'm almost there," he says leaning in to kiss me.

"I am going to be late if I don't leave right now," I say as I throw on some clothes and run out the door.

Work goes by slowly, the bookstore is never busy but Mel texts me often so I can catch her up on what has happened over the last day. I keep getting that feeling someone is watching me. I never feel like that at the bookstore. When my shift ends I head straight home. When I get there I notice the door to Patrick's apartment open a little bit and I hear a couple of voices coming from inside. One is definitely Patrick the other is hard to tell but it is another guy. I just stand there eavesdropping for a few minutes.

"Look Luke you have been my friend for a long time but last night you crossed the line. You are never allowed to touch her."

"Pat, man I'm sorry. I had too much to drink and I wasn't even seeing straight. I honestly don't even know what I said to her. You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our friendship."

"Don't do it or anything like it again. Quinn is different."

"I promise I will be on my best behavior around her from now on. Speaking of I was going to go out on the boat tomorrow. You two want to come out with me?"

"I'll ask her if she wants to go. She might not be comfortable being around you."

I hear them walking towards the door so I hurry up the stairs as quietly as I can and run into my apartment. I don't dislike Luke I mean he was drunk both times he came onto me. Maybe he isn't so bad when he's sober. I grab a water out of the fridge as Patrick walks through the door.

"Hey Quinn, do we have anything planned for tomorrow?"

"No. What's up?"

"Luke invited us to go out on his boat with him tomorrow. It's ok if you don't want to go. He did come by to apologize for his behavior and reassured me that he was just being stupid because he was drunk. I don't think that excuses what he did but he did seem sincere. It's up to you, I don't want to pressure you to spend time with him."
"I mean I don't have an issue with it. You will be there and I think after last night he will probably want to prove himself to be a good guy so he will be on his best behavior, don't you think?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Ok, so boating tomorrow. Sounds fun," I say with a smile.

Later I get a text message from a number I don't recognize. All it says is "forgive me." I don't respond. Maybe it's Luke but how would he have my phone number? I know Patrick wouldn't give my number to anyone especially Luke because of his behavior towards me. I try not to let it distract me because I didn't want to worry Patrick in case it was just a wrong number situation. I silence my phone when Patrick gets out of the shower and we just watch a movie before we go to bed.

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