Chapter 9

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It doesn't take long to get back to my place. Sam and I run upstairs and see that my door is open. Sam steps in front of me and pushes the door open all the way. The apartment is completely trashed. My couch is cut open, my dishes are shattered on the floor. Sam walks through the apartment to make sure we are alone and he doesn't find anyone. I stand by the front door in complete disbelief.

"Quinn there is a note on your bathroom mirror."

I rush to the bathroom and see heartless bitch smeared in red paint on the mirror. I turn and look at my bed and it is covered in red paint as well. I walk into my closet to grab a bag to try and salvage some of my things and gather up the rest of my clothes. When I open my dresser I see that something had been dumped in all of my drawers ruining all of my clothes. I look over and Sam is on the phone with the police. Detective Lewis is on his way out now.

"Quinn let's wait in the hall until they arrive."

I follow Sam out and we sit on the stairs waiting for the police. Sam wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him trying to comfort me. I am upset of course but they are just things, things that can be replaced.

"Sam I don't think Luke did this and if he did he didn't do it alone," I say quietly.

"You think Patrick helped him?"

"I don't know. He was pretty upset when I ended things with him and I haven't seen him around at all. The last thing he said to me was that I am a heartless bitch."

"Quinn don't worry all of this will work out and be fine."

"How did my door get opened? I know I locked it when we left last week. The lock isn't damaged it's like whoever did this has a key."

Just then Detective Lewis arrives with a crime scene team to document and take evidence. Sam and I explain everything yet again even though we aren't sure when this happened. We are given a copy of the report and Sam and I leave.

"Do you want to go home or do you want to do something?" Sam asks.

"Well I need new clothes but I'm strapped for cash."

"Don't worry I'll buy you new clothes. Where do you want to shop?"
"The Grove should be fine," I answer.

Once we arrive Sam goes with me patiently from store to store to refill my wardrobe. He doesn't even flinch at the register time and time again. I must have bought at least a thousand dollars' worth of clothes. We stop and have lunch and then Sam suggests a movie since we are out. We run and put all of the bags into the car and go to the theater.

We decide to see the new action film that we have seen the previews for. Once inside and the lights dim I realize we are the only ones in this theater. It was early afternoon on a Monday but I thought someone else would be here. My heart starts to race a bit at the thought of being all alone, I have always wanted to mess around in a movie theater. I tell myself to wait for the movie to start before I do anything.

The movie is actually good I get sucked into it and right after I check my watch again I feel Sam's hand on my thigh. Maybe a minute later he moves it up a little bit and then stops, then again a few minutes later. He moves his hand in between my thighs and can feel my warmth. I am wearing little black shorts, not denim but a soft cloth fabric.

Once he realizes his fingers can fit into the leg of my little shorts he takes full advantage. I adjust in my chair to make it easier for him to slip his finger inside of me. He lifts the armrest up that is in between us so he can get closer to me and kiss my neck and ear. I reach over and start rubbing him through his jeans, he is already hard.

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