Chapter 12

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We sit on the bed and go through the texts together. The first one we read is from Patrick, it's just him hoping that I'm doing well and that he misses me. The other nine are from the same unknown number that sent the photos.

"Quinn there isn't anywhere you can go that I can't follow," Sam reads out loud.

The rest are the same ominous tone and just creep me out. I toss the phone onto the bed and walk into the shower and start to cry. I can hear Sam making another phone call but I can't hear to who. I get myself together and dry off so I can get dressed for the day. Sam showers quickly and does the same. He grabs my hand and we walk downstairs and out the front door. I jump when I see two large men standing by the front door.

"Who the hell are these guys?" I ask holding onto Sam's arm.

"These are the guys I hired, the personal security to keep an eye on us. Rafa and Omri," he says kissing my forehead. "The owner of the house knows a lot of people and has several contacts with local authorities so he's been very helpful in this situation. I didn't want to worry you."

"It's ok. I understand. Are they going to follow us?"

"Yea. They are going wherever we go. They will keep their distance though so we don't attract too much attention," Sam says sweetly.

We walk down past the market to a small cluster of shops. Sam and I browse and buy a few small souvenirs and knickknacks.

"Hey, I'll be right back. He is going to stay with you, give me ten minutes."

Sam walks out of the store and one of the body guards follows him out. I keep wandering the small store and end up buying a book about Greece. I walk out of the store and my phone buzzes. It's Mel, I answer it quickly.

"Mel? Everything ok?" I ask nervously.

"Of course. I am back in San Fran with my parents for a few weeks now that school is out for a little bit. I haven't heard from you and I was getting worried. Where are you?"

I go on to explain everything that has happened since the last time we spoke and she doesn't believe that Sam and I are in Greece so I snap a quick photo to text her.

She goes on to change the subject to happier things, "So how are you and sexy Sam?"

"We are good. Really good. He's wonderful about everything and in every way."

"So personal question. How's the sex? I mean is it as good as every woman who sees him imagines?" She asks giggling.

"Gosh Mel!" I say laughing. "I promise you it is better than anyone can imagine. I can't go into details right now because I'm not alone but soon I will tell you everything."

"Please do. I miss you and love you. Call me soon," she says making kissing sounds into the phone before hanging up.

Right as I put my phone back in my purse I end up in a convenience store I walk up and down the aisles and stop suddenly when I reach one section. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my mind starts to panic. When was my last period? Oh gosh, how could I lose track of that? My palms sweating I grab a pregnancy test before the body guard can see and rush up to the counter to pay for it. I quickly stuff the bag into my purse as Sam walks into the store with a box.

"Quinn come sit here. I got something for you," Sam says pulling me towards a bench. I sit and open the box he hands me.

"Sam! You didn't have to buy me this!" I say pulling him into a tight hug.

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