Chapter 5

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When I wake up the next morning someone is pounding on my door. I rush over and open it to Patrick breathing heavy.

"Patrick what the hell?" I ask very agitated.

"Quinn, please, I just want to talk."

"Fine. Come in."

"Look babe, I love you. I love you so much. Please don't give up on me. I know I made a mistake I know I misread the situation and I know how upsetting Luke's behavior was."

"Patrick, I know you love me. I just don't feel the same. Yes, you made a mistake but that isn't why I'm not in love with you. It just isn't there."

"It's been like six months Quinn. They have been some of the best of my life. I know you love me. Just give me another chance, please," he begs.

"I think it's better if we don't do this at all. I can't be your girlfriend. I don't want to be your girlfriend."

"Please.... Please," he says walking towards me. Patrick presses his forehead to mine and holds my hands in his.

There isn't any doubt in my mind that I am making the right choice. I can't slip back into this. I know I just broke up with him last night but every minute counts and I don't want to lead him on. I let go of his hands and take a step back away from him.

"Patrick I'm doing what's best for the both of us. You don't want to be with someone who doesn't love you the way you love them. Trust me this is the right thing to do. I am sorry that doing this is hurting you."

"Quinn, is there someone else?"

"No, that isn't what this about. Patrick please just accept this for what it is," I answer walking towards the door.

"Quinn I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you and that won't change," he says walking out.

I close the door behind him and go to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Maybe ten minutes later there was another knock on my door. Thankfully it is Mel and not Patrick again.

"Quinn last night was so much fun. Time to tell me everything that I missed," she says sitting down at my table.

I join her and tell her everything that happened with Sam and Patrick and her expression never changes. She is really difficult to read right now.

"So Sam didn't make a move on you?"

"No, he told me that he has liked me since I started working at the club though. Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing that is just really impressive. I don't know too many guys who wouldn't jump you as soon as they could," Mel says teasingly.

"So tell me what happened after I left."

"Well I kept dancing with this guy. His name is James, ugh he is so gorgeous. We exchanged numbers and he made sure I got into my Uber but I haven't heard from him today."

"Mel, it's nine. You stayed out until after 2 in the morning let the guy sleep before you start accusing him of not being interested," I say laughing.

Mel gets up and heads for the door.

"I'll see you later Quinn I have to study a little bit."

I am alone again, now I can eat. I sit at the table and eat some cereal and scroll through my phone. I can't find anything interesting to read or look at, my mind is preoccupied. I keep having thoughts of Sam and how last night could have gone so differently if I wasn't with Patrick. Would Sam have his way with me in the storage room? Would he have come home with me?

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