Chapter 14

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"Wow Sam this is so chic."

"My mother wanted to keep as much of the original features as possible and she decorated with modesty and fine details in mind. She wanted to feel like she was in Paris not New York."

Sam walks to the master and sets our bags down then shows Rafa and Omri where they will stay. I walk over to the window and stare out at the view. Paris is beautiful. Sam comes back to the bedroom and helps me unpack our clothes. When I stand up I get light headed and almost fall down again, but Sam catches me.

"Quinn you don't feel good again?"

"I just stood up too fast that's all."

"I want you to see a doctor. I know one nearby, come one," Sam says walking out of the apartment, Omri and Rafa right behind us.

Sam checks me in and gets me some paperwork to fill out. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long I really am not feeling well. Right as I am being called back Sam gets a phone call.

"That's ok. Take the call. I'll be fine." Sam kisses me lightly and walks into the hall to answer his phone. Rafa follows him while Omri stands to follow me. "Omri I am not going to need you back there. Please just wait here."

The nurse walks me back and weighs me and checks my blood pressure. I tell her how I have been feeling and she has me pee in a cup. After that she walks me into an exam room and tells me the doctor will be in soon. I feel nervous I am not sure why I haven't been feeling well. It came out of the blue and it's so intermittent. Maybe ten minutes later a beautiful blond woman walks through the door and introduces herself as Dr. Simone. I shake her hand.

"Tell me Quinn when did you start feeling ill?"

"I'd say just earlier today but it went away and then came back."

"Ok. A couple of things I notice here, where did all the bumps and bruises come from? And as I am looking over your forms you didn't fill in your last menstrual cycle," she says shifting her gaze back to me.

"Umm, it's a complicated situation but I basically fell down and got a little banged up earlier today and honestly, I can't remember when I had my period last. I took a pregnancy test a little over a week ago and it was negative," I say rubbing my hands on my thighs.

"Ok, I will have a nurse bandage that cut on your forehead and since we had you supply a urine sample so I will do a quick pregnancy test and then be right back," she says standing and walking towards the door.

"Wait, is that the only thing it could be? I mean maybe I have food poisoning or I'm just really stressed out?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, there are other possibilities but this is a quick test and if it is positive we have our answer and if it is negative we will have more to look into. Don't worry whatever the results," Dr. Simone says reassuringly.

The nurse comes in and cleans and bandages the cut on my forehead and then I sit and wait for another ten minutes before the door opens again, it's Sam.

"Has the doctor come in yet?"

"Yea she just ran out to do a quick test on the sample I provided," I answer vaguely. Why am I being like this? Sam and I can do anything together.

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