Chapter 10

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"Quinn what's the matter?"

"I've just been thinking about my photography. I haven't even applied to any other jobs since I have been here. I lost track of my goals and I am a little sad about it. I mean don't get me wrong I love working at the club but I want to do more."

"I understand. Why don't you start looking for other jobs? What do you want to photograph?"

"I don't really know that there is something specific that I want to photograph I thought I would try a bunch of different things and then fall into something more specific when it felt right." I sigh and keep thinking to myself. I don't even know where to start. I don't like feeling discouraged.

"Well maybe I can introduce you to some people in the business. I know a lot of people I'm sure someone will know how to get your foot in the door."

"I can't ask you to do that Sam. It's very sweet but I don't want to put you in that position."

I change the subject and Sam and I just continue to enjoy our evening. We settle down in front of the television and watch some reruns before heading off to bed. I wake up in the middle of the night again and Sam is not in bed, again. I walk out to the living room and I he isn't there either. It's like two in the morning where would he be. I search the apartment and I can't find him anywhere. I go back to the room and grab my phone to call him. Voicemail. So I text him to find out where he went but he doesn't answer before I fall back asleep. I wake up around eight the next morning and I find Sam sitting at the bar on his laptop.

"Morning beautiful," Sam said with his charming smile.

"Morning. Where did you go last night? I called."

"I met up with a friend shortly after you went to bed. He had an idea for a new song. He works better at odd hours unfortunately."

"Oh, ok. I didn't mean to question you like that I was just worried when I couldn't find you and you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry I should have told you where I was going. I know you're still nervous about being alone," he says pulling me into a hug.

Several months go by without any incidents regarding Luke or Patrick. I move into Sam's place and he helps me break the lease on my old apartment. We didn't see Patrick then either, his uncle took care of it for us. Everything seems to be getting back to normal. Mel is busy with school a lot as her school year was coming to an end so I don't see her very much but we text daily. Sam and I are good we are happy and in love and everything is great.

There's another concert at the club and Sam and I are doing our normal morning routine. I walk over the fridge and start making some breakfast. Sam makes the coffee. After we finish cleaning up Sam says he wants to hit the gym before work. I could use some exercise but I didn't feel like going to the gym. I have something else in mind. Sam goes to change into some workout clothes as I sit on the couch looking through a magazine. He walks out of the bedroom over to me and leans down to kiss me. He intends for a quick sweet kiss before he leaves but I pull him in biting his lower lip then slipping my tongue in between his lips.

Sam looks hungry but not for food. I see that fire in his eyes. Sam keeps kissing me a little harder and deeper each time. I reach my hands up to pull him down closer to me. His fingers find the bottom of my shirt and pull it off quickly, then I lift my hips off the couch so he can pull my shorts off. I get on my knees on the couch right in front of him and pull his shirt off and shorts down, he steps out of them.

I pull away from him and turn around so I can use the back of the couch to help stabilize me. He knows what I want, he wants the same thing. I suddenly feel the head of his dick gently running up and down my lips making them wet. When he touches my clit my body jumps.

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