Chapter 8

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Once we are back at his apartment Sam pushes me up against the living room wall and starts kissing my neck.

"Now that we are home we don't have to worry about my mother."

All I can do is nod as he continues to kiss and bite my neck. His hands moving so gracefully over my body and lifting my dress up over my head. It always amazes me how patient he is. He wants to please me above anything else. He continues taking my clothes off and once I am completely naked he just stands there and admires me. I feel my face flush a little bit as his eyes try to memorize every curve of my body.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one Sam. You're so wonderful to me. I'm so in love with you."

Sam takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen where he picks me up and puts me on the counter. He has me lean back and spread my thighs. Again, he just stares at me making me laugh. His hands lightly moving up and down the outsides of my thighs. Suddenly he leans down and pushes his tongue inside of me. He works his way up to my swollen clit and then back down again. I rest my calves on his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair.

I cannot say this enough, he is absolutely perfect. Once my body is no longer in my control and I'm laid out on the counter recovering from his talented tongue I see him taking his clothes off one piece at a time. The counter is a perfect height for him but he reaches around and picks me up and then places me on the back of the couch. Soon his hips are rocking back and forth in between my thighs. Sam's mouth is teasing my ears and neck to the point I can't stay still.

He grabs the back of my neck with one hand and whispers in my ear, "I'm close. You feel so amazing. I don't want to stop but I'm so close."

Before I can even reply he lets out a deep moan and I can feel him emptying out inside of me. My legs still wrapped around his waist holding him in place. We stayed just like that for what felt like hours. He kisses me so sweetly and tenderly over and over again. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I pull away to catch my breath.

"Quinn what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I'm happy. I'm just overflowing with so many different emotions. I love you and I'm happy," I say as several more tears roll down my cheek.

Sam wipes them away with his thumbs and then pulls me in for a tight hug. Somehow he makes me feel like the whole world is still. He helps me down from the couch and walks me to the master bathroom. We shower together taking our time enjoying each other's bodies and just being together. After the shower we go straight to bed and sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night and realize Sam isn't in bed anymore. I walk out to the living room to try and find him and he's sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Sam is everything ok?"

"I just couldn't sleep," he replies quietly.

"Sam talk to me."

"I have never felt like this for anyone before and I don't want to lose you, not now not ever."

I lean down and kiss him slowly for a moment then curl up on the couch with him. I drift off back to sleep shortly after that. I wake up the next morning still on the couch but covered with a blanket. Sam isn't here. I walk through the apartment looking for him but I cannot find him anywhere. I decide to shower really quickly and eat a bowl of cereal.

I check my phone and I have a couple of messages from Mel, she's just checking in. I also notice I have a new voicemail. I listen to it, it's about the court date. Monday at ten in the morning. I feel my stomach turning at the thought of having to see Luke there. I try to finish my cereal but I seem to have lost my appetite. Just a few minutes later Sam comes through the door all sweaty.

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