Chapter 11

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A little while later we pull up to a beautiful beach house. Sam and I go explore the house, it is so stunning I can't even begin to do it justice. What takes my breath away is the balcony view. I could stand here forever and never tire of this beauty. Sam leaves our bags in the bedroom and walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. The sun on my face, the salty breeze, and the man I love holding me close.

"I have always wanted to come here. Though I was worried that reality wouldn't match up to the photos I've seen. I didn't think it would be possible for this place to be more beautiful than anywhere else," I say with a smile. I feel Sam's lips on my neck and my legs start to feel weak.

"Are you hungry? The owner told me there is a market and a couple of restaurants nearby," Sam whispers in my ear.

"We could wander. I could eat. But I don't want you to stop what you're doing now," I say as Sam's lips continue to lightly kiss my neck and shoulder. Sam's hands move down from my waist to unbutton and unzip my shorts so his hand can push into the front of my thong. His hand finds my heat and he gently glides his fingers over my wanting sex. I let out a light moan and lean back into his chest more.

"Do you like that? Does it feel good?" Sam says in between kisses.

"Mhm, so good," I respond breathily.

I feel myself building quickly my release almost here but Sam stops. He pushes my shorts and thong down to the ground and lifts my shirt over my head. I unhook my bra and toss it to the side as I turn around. Sam grabs my face with both of his hands while I undo his pants and push them down and off of him. He pushes my body towards the deck around the hot tub and lifts me onto the edge of it. I lean back on my elbows as he gently thrusts into me. Sam reaches down in between my thighs as he strokes into me and his thumb finds my clit, he starts circling it.

"No, no don't close your eyes. Look at me. Look at me Quinn," Sam says intensely.

I open my eyes and stare right into his.

"Keep looking at me, please. Please. Please," Sam grunts.

My moans get louder as makes me come. I do my best not to lose eye contact with him as my body shudders.

"Fuckkkkk.... Quinn...." Sam moans out.

I reach out and run my hands down his chest and abs, there's a light film of sweat on him and it makes his body glisten. I will never get use to how sexy he really is.

"Sam? Everything ok?" I ask because he still hasn't moved.

"Everything is perfect. You are perfect. I don't think I have ever come that hard in my life," he says as he gently pulls out of me.

"Ever? How can you be sure?" I ask teasingly.

"Everything is still spinning. I know we have a good amount of sex and each time it is absolutely amazing. But just now, with you staring into my eyes, made it even more intense," he says leaning down to kiss me. I smile and push him back.

"Let's get dressed and walk around. Now I'm really hungry," I say laughing a little.

I bend over and pick up my clothes and bring them into the house. I grab a purple dress out of my bag and throw on some flip flops and fix my hair a little. Sam puts shorts and a linen button down on and we head out. We walk for about ten minutes before we see the market. We decide to eat at a small restaurant, we sit at a table outside that looks over the sea.

Our waitress is a beautiful young woman, she starts speaking Greek to us and both Sam and I smile and ask if she speaks English. Her face lights up and she nods. We order some drinks and food that sound to die for. I can feel Sam's eyes on me as I look out over the water. I am in love with this place, I am in love with the man who brought me here. I know I am lucky. Sam reaches across the table to hold my hand as I continue to admire the view.

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