Chapter 6

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I close the door behind him then go to bed. I wake up the next day remembering there is a concert tonight at the club. I make some breakfast and watch a little TV before I work out. I decide to go for a little run, nothing crazy maybe a mile or two. It's so nice out most of the time and the run gives me a chance to clear my head.

I am about a block away from my apartment when I see something sitting in the middle of the road. I stop running when I get a little closer and realize it is a kitten. I didn't see any other cats or kittens around so I walk towards it slowly trying not to scare it away. The little thing doesn't even flinch it lets me walk right up to it and pick it up. It is so cute, white with little black spots all over it.

I walk back to the apartment to shower and find a vet. I get an appointment and head down to get it checked out. The kitten is about 8 weeks old and a little girl. Healthy just has some fleas. The vet gives her a flea bath and some fluids just in case. I go to the store to grab some kitten food, toys and a litter box. I decide to name her Fiona, not sure why but it sounds good for her. I put some food and water down for her and get ready for work.

I get to work a little early, I make sure my makeup looks good and I smell good before I get out of my car. I walk right in and put my stuff in my locker then walk towards the bar. We aren't going to be open for at least another hour or so. Sam is prepping the bar when I get there, he looks up and just smiles at me.

"How are you today gorgeous?" he asks.

"Really great." I feel my face flush as I answer.

There isn't anyone else in this part of the building so he leans over the bar to kiss me, I meet him half way and seem to lose all control of myself. I kiss him like he is water and I have been stranded in a desert. He pulls away from me surprised but not in a bad way. I just stare into his eyes then turn and start to walk towards the back, when I get to the door I look back at him. He crawls under the bar and runs up behind me, we end up in a storage room and just go at each other.

"Wait, wait Quinn. We just talked last night about going slow. Where is this coming from?" his says as his eyes fill with lust and concern.

"Sam I like you, a lot. You have to be the nicest guy I have ever met. I thought that I wanted to take things slow but I know my feelings for you are real so I can't come up with a reason not to do what we want."

Sam stares at me for just a moment before our clothes end up on the floor one piece at a time and I end up on an old vanity with Sam kissing my neck and shoulders and his hands exploring my body and mine exploring his. Sam's body is sexy, his skin is warm and tan and his muscles are so defined. He seems to adore me completely, I feel safe with him.

I look at him and say "I don't want to rush but this is where we work."

He stops, "Quinn I want to do this right. I can't do this right at work. You deserve time and lots of it. I don't want our first time to be a quickie in a closet."

He is breathing heavy and is mine. He is right but ugh, I just want to feel him and know him more and selfishly I want it now. He grabs my clothes and hands them to me so I can get dressed as he does the same. We start to walk out but before I can open the door he pushes me up against it and kisses me again.

"Tonight? Please," I beg.

"Maybe, if you're good," he says winking at me.

We are both feeling a little frustrated and understandably so. I can't believe I was trying to fuck him at work. He is such a nice guy, I don't know any other guy that could have stopped at that moment. We finally get back out to the floor and finish getting ready for the show.

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